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Everything posted by RafaelDinelli

  1. Hi to all, Currently I use an XBOX360 gamepad in FSX:SE. I have the throttle assigned to the LB/RB bumpers, so they work in similar fashion to the F2/F3 commands: throttle increases/decreases as I hold down the button. However, any time I fly turboprop aircraft, I come into the problem of thrust (or pitch, in that case) reversal. Jet powered aircraft have a detent in FSX that prevents them from having reverse thrust engaged while in mid air. Turboprop aircraft don't seem to have that, so any time I hold down the F2/RB key, the throttle goes past idle and into reverse pitch, even in midair. Unsurprisingly, approaches tend to be frustrating as I don't have visual feedback on where my throttle is, so any time I try to idle the engine out, it goes a little bit into reverse pitch. My question is: Is there a way I can enable this detent for turboprop aircraft? Or is there any workaround? Any help is much appreciated.
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