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Everything posted by skydoc01

  1. Thanks once again. All of this frustration leads me to miss FS 2004 all the more. I would have been very happy sticking with it. But then again - flying my own 150 - which is hangared about 125 miles from me - would make me even happier. A Happy and Safe Thanksgiving to you.
  2. Ahhh - Thank you sooo much. I'm looking forward to checking it out. Looking back at this day, I would MUCH have preferred flying my own 150 today, despite the predicted bumps in the sky, than dealing with this installation. Microsoft may have put out a great program but they sure missed the boat when it came to addressing the needs of the sizable CH community. The fact that they did is really surprising.
  3. Hi, I just spent an entire day attempting to get my CH products to "talk" to FS2020 - but to no avail. Grrr! Has anyone identified instructions (a video perhaps) that clearly spells out the process for accomplishing this task? I'd really appreciate hearing from you.
  4. Greetings All: Despite flying my own actual Cessna 150 and having spent a multitude of (enjoyable/useful) hours on FS2004 over the years, I am having a devil of a time just getting started with FS 2020. Just for beginners, while I've received a sales receipt for the Premium Deluxe edition, I can't figure out how to down load it! Could one kind soul head me in the right direction? I'd appreciate it. Many thanks.
  5. Thanks to all who responded to my post. Much appreciated. Skydoc01
  6. I have enjoyably been using a CH yoke and pedals with FS2004 for years. I've put in an order for the Premium Deluxe version of FS2020. While I am looking forward to seeing all of the promised environmental improvements, I am not at all interested in flying 777s and such into some out of the way place in Southeast Asia - as realistic appearing as they may appear. Rather, I actually own and fly (and love!) a Cessna 150 and am looking forward to flying the 152 that will be available in this program around he States. My question to the Alpha and Beta testers among us: Will I still be able to use the CH equipment I have - or need I buy new stuff? Thanks.
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