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Everything posted by pineypower

  1. That is fantastic & worked perfectly. I have no idea how that was changed may an update set it to a defalt. I don't recall ever setting it to "Legacy" What a delight to see the AP engage & the arrows pop up to enable the settings. Thank you so much.
  2. Thank you for your help mqytn. Sorry to say no one else responded to date. I took your advice & flew two successful landings at KPHL with the BA-787 but with AI on in all modes. Formerly I used the Autopilot panel & mouse to adjust the IAS during the approach. Now it remains at 200 kts the initial setting not surprising I suppose because you cannot activate the AP. You can activate the Auto Throttle but cannot change the IAS.There are no current Youtube or other help pages on the AP usage for this or the other jets. It seems to me it has been disabled completely. There were complaints about it previously so perhaps Asobo has given up. This 'game' is a strange one with superb scenery but with the core aircraft functions inoperative in my case anyway.
  3. I turned off MSFS 2020 in the spring because it had so many problems with the aircraft. Tried again now that winter is nigh & downloaded the latest version update so now have Regrettably it seems more of the same, constant downloads of new scenery but aircraft certainly the big iron not flyable. Now its impossible to set the autopilot from the mouse. On the BA-787 for example though they are all the same the control knob brightens but the settings cannot be incremented plus the Autopilot & Auto Throttle cannot be activated. Even in the air neither can be activated. In short things are now worse. In desperation I tried the Kbd settings a few like the FD work but not the main AP controls. In short things now are worse. Developer mode is OFF that used to produce odd results if ON.. So what am I missing here? I can't believe I am the only one with this problem yet there is nothing on the MS flight sim page about this.
  4. Don't bother its a POS. Incredibly slow to start & grind through to flying an Aircraft even with a decent MS 'Spec' PC. There are no 2D cockpit displays, no undocking of Displays for multiple monitors, plus the Auto Pilot is useless. Meanwhile MS & their sub contractor keep churning out scenery additions. If you want to fly single engine & admire the eye candy you may enjoy it but not worthy of anything else. If they had taken the FSX aircraft & cockpit & converted that to 64 bits then added better scenery that would have worked & satisfied everyone.
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