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File Comments posted by lymanl


       65    3
    On 5/25/2023 at 12:11 PM, Victory103 said:

    lymanl, thanks for the AUS for P3D. I installed into P3dv5 and only noticed some minor issues mostly related to v5(stock autogen, elevation). I did have GA biz jets parked on the airline ramp and noticed the AI stack up departing 36R, but no take offs. I have not checked this in ADE yet.

    Well, I dont know if you will get this, but its taken me a long time for the "Ah HA!" moment.  The problem with the AI aircraft stacking up on 36R is due to my error!!

    I placed and "ILS HOLD SHORT" on both taxiways (A and B) to 36R and it should have been just a "HOLD SHORT". The AI aircraft do not honor the ILS HOLD SHORT and thus the first aircraft to take the runway at 36R did so but never departed and all remaining stacked up waiting for the first one to clear the runway.

    I have also made many significant changes to KAUS with P3Dv5.4 and I will soon post my work here.

    I really apologize for this error....I tend to use 36L/18R for all my pers. flying and when I finally used 36R, the same thing happened to my/my AI and the light went on.

    Happy Flying


       65    3

    Have not heard back regarding the issue with AI stacking up on 36R. Hope you found the issue. I have a massive number of AI aircraft (commercial) and have not had any problem.

    In addition, I have just completed KDFW, massive rework to conform to all the airport reconstruction in the past 3 years. I took out all of the ADE generated taxiway lights on all taxiways and replaced them with individual lights in the correct locations. Also removed all of the ADE generated taxiway edge lines and replaced them with GP lines which provides the ability to mix taxiway widths and have the edge lines look correct.  I plan to upload this after having some friends test it. If you are at all interested, I would be happy to send a copy to you.

    Happy New Year

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