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Everything posted by jorgen.s.andersen

  1. Also the hardware specs would be nice.... Jorgen
  2. Indeed I remember that for instance the good old AIA models used to have a reflective and a non-reflective model version of each airplane. Jorgen
  3. I am very sorry to hear that. Rest in Peace, John. Jorgen
  4. Il88pp, Every system is apparently different. I have been using Ccleaner and Eusing's Registry Cleaner for some years now and have never had a damaged system..... unless you count that one that's located between my ears..... Jorgen
  5. Loyd raises an extremely important point, which I forgot all about: Never, ever, install FSX to the default location, where the installer wants to put it at C:\Program Files(x86), but to something like C:\FSX, or, much preferred, to a different physical drive. This is especially important under Windows 10, where it seems that the UAC devil is much more aggressive than in earlier versions of Windows. Thanks for refreshing my ailing memory, Loyd - Jorgen
  6. Steve, there are really no issues with running FSX on a Win 10 system, provided you take control of Windows 10. This topic has been trashed out a couple of times in these threads. But to answer your specific questions: 1. Yes 2. No 3. There might be, use a registry cleaner before reinstalling 4. See 1. If you meant best way to go about registry cleaning, then use Ccleaner (free version is OK), or Eusing's Registry Cleaner (again, the free version is OK). Now, bear in mind that an external HDD will be s-l-o-w... if you can find a way to add a SSD inside the computer you might be better off.... Jorgen
  7. +1. I have UT for both FSX and P3D, and it looks just fine. No need for ORBX. Jorgen
  8. You might also want to google "ntdll.dll error" - you will find a lot of hits. Jorgen
  9. Moderators, I respectfully request that this thread be locked. Jorgen
  10. What REX product do you recommend? None. Get Active Sky for P3D. Jorgen
  11. On the HOTAS, you need to: 1. On the joystick part, there is a screw that you need to tighten so that the joystick cannot twist, and 2. On the throttle part, there is a button you need to press so the light on top of it, between the two buttons labelled SE and ST, shows red. All this is described in the joystick manual. Jorgen
  12. Some joysticks you can twist to make them act like the pedals, or rudder bar, my Thrustmaster HOTAS has a rudder bar on the front of the throttle. So, first things first, what make and model is this joystick, and second where are the pedals supposed to be on this joystick? If you don't have a Thrustmaster HOTAS, I'm afraid we'll have to have someone who owns one like yours step in here. Jorgen
  13. The current version of P3D is v. 4.5. with the so-called hotfix. On L-M's support site there are reports of add-ons, such as ORBX, PMDG and others are not quite compatible with 4.5, but the developers are working on making them so. Having said that, I don't have any of the above-mentioned add-ons and my P3D is running just fine. Jorgen
  14. Here's an example, elaborating a little on what CRJ said: If the American flight plans were compiled for FS2004, and the Southwest for FSX, this is what would happen, American will show up and Southwest not. The thing is, if only ONE flightplan in your whole collection (and it does not matter where the .bgl file is located within the scope of FSX) then ONLY that (and whatever other FS2004 flight plans you might have) will show up. All have to be FSX-compiled, and you can use AIFP to search for any FS2004/FS9 flight plans and also have it convert them for you. Jorgen
  15. About the first thing you want to do in Windows 10 is to kill Cortana - it's a major resource hog. You also want to implement your privacy settings, so as to prevent Windows from using resources unnecessarily on reporting your behavior to Microsoft as much as possible. Jorgen
  16. Just read an article about these drives, on some motherboards you can apparently plug them directly into the board, and then they stick out vertically. It still raises the question of how many slots you can have available in practice somehow, but the price on Amazon of about USD 120 for 1 TB isn't that bad..... Jorgen
  17. Correct me if I am wrong, but my understanding is that these NVMe drives plug right into the PCIe controller. If that is the case, then that brings about the question of room on the motherboard, where the first priority probably has to be the graphics adapter, which can take the space up to 2, 2 1/2 or 3 slots. Alongside that you would then have to fit the PCIe controller, with the NVMe drives sticking out of that somehow.... Jorgen
  18. I cannot say that I can follow tacomasailor's explanation in detail, but enough so I can understand why my FSX (and P3D) both take so long to load, as I have a ton of add-on scenery and AI. I am wondering whether I should move this add-on scenery and the AI to a separate SSD? Jorgen
  19. And, the more you increase the LOD, the more you increase the risk of you getting an OOM, So, it's a compromise. Jorgen
  20. And when you get it made, then please share it here!!! Good luck - Jorgen
  21. Nice! Something to keep in mind for one's next computer... sometime when I win the lottery! Jorgen
  22. You apparently missed the point completely.... Jorgen
  23. John, Before you attempt to insult my intelligence further, you might like to know that I have worked in computer tech support, both hardware and software, with major U.S. manufacturers of the same, from 1993 until I retired in 2009. Now, simple logic says that if something in P3D v. 4 is corrupted, EVERYONE should see it, and L-M's own support forum should be full of it. The basic fact of life, and that is what you need to grasp, is that WE DO NOT see it - in other words, the issue is on your system. Once you grasp that, and get to grips with it, we can start working on the issue. There were several instances where I had to transfer very irate customers to my supervisors because they wouldn't believe what I said, and they got the message that I was absolutely correct and they would need to calm down so we could figure out what the problems was and start working on resolving the real issue. Your situation exactly, except there are no supervisors here. That's the way it works. Jorgen
  24. GUI = Graphics User Interface. On the opening screen of P3D, select Options at the bottom. The select Calibrate on the bottom left-hand side. AT the top of the next window it should show you the controller type in the top center field where it says Controller, if it doesn't show there then use the drop-down arrow and see if the controller is listed in the drop-down menu. If it is, then select it. Now you should be able to calibrate.... Jorgen
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