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  1. Many thanks Tom! I was fooled into thinking the .wav name in the .fx, was the item to edit. Now renamed, edited and tested sucessfully, I can fill a half dozen new sound slots. The programme is a great enhancement, when sounds are timed to a specific airport layout. As a sound source, besides those offered, I've been spooling up some sounds from my non-Ai fleet, and 'live' capturing them.
  2. The programme introduces a 2nd sound, which is independent of the .Xai. The author has provided several downloads, but my Ai far outnumber the choices available.
  3. I need some help to expand the sounds available to this programme : https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/fsview.php?do=list&fid=89070 It uses a modified .fx file to trigger a takeoff sound, on an Ai aircraft as it enters the runway. I've made some new sounds, and want to point the .fx file to them. For example : Change - imp_large_a.wav to imp_large_1.wav
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