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Posts posted by mikeperry

  1. It did help some. What I am working towards recreating are some of the missions flown out of Attu during WWII to Shumshu Island in the Kuriles. My wife's grandfather lost his life on such a mission and I have been interested in recreating this. I can just ignore the lack of fuel of course, but I would like to be more realistic if I can. I plan to test it later today. I also need to play with the RPM and mixture settings more.
  2. I have been flying a B-25 model for a few months now. I enjoy it and I can land on many different sorts of runways with it and not be too unrealistic. But, I would like to increase the range on it as if it had an auxiliary tank in the bomb bay. There might be several ways of doing this, but one way that occurred to me is to modify the values for the existing tanks. Here is the relevant portion of the aircraft.cfg



    LeftMain=-5.400, -4.580, 0.820, 335.000, 0.000

    LeftAux=-4.830, -11.900, 1.420, 152.000, 0.000

    RightMain=-5.400, 4.580, 0.820, 335.000, 0.000

    RightAux=-4.830, 11.900, 1.420, 152.000, 0.000





    If I were to increase the amount of fuel available in each existing tank would that cause extraordinary issues with performance? I am thinking of changing the amounts in the main tanks from 335.00 to something like 350.00. Not a huge change perhaps, but enough to gain a bit more range for some flights. I have never tried this before and I thought I would run it past the folks here before I try it.


    Any help is appreciated.

  3. One more question. Will Traffic 360 happily coexist with MAIW traffic? This may not be an issue for me if it includes military traffic from MCAS Miramar and NAS North Island.


    Also, I found what purports to be a list of the aircraft models in Traffic 360 and looks a bit light in small GA aircraft.


    I am not sure how big a concern this will be for me.

  4. As far as military, no but they have said they will make add-on packs to add military.


    I don't have Traffic Global, have Traffic 360 which DOES include GA and Military and even helicoptors.


    This sounds more like I am looking for. One comment, and I don't know the truth of this, is that the Traffic 360 models are simplified over WOAI stuff. If this is true, does that help with framerates? The price on Traffic 360 is lower as well and that can help with the budget.

  5. My primary HDD (1tb) will be filled up soon if I keep installing more Photoreal scenery and the like. I have another, larger, HDD (2tb) that I use for storage. it has lots of space on it. I realize that some installers want to install to the primary drive where FSX SE is located, but some scenery will let it be installed where I want. Will FSX SE be able to access the scenery from a second HDD?
  6. This local landmark is missing. In it's place are some bizarre greenish humps next to Mission Bay. I have looked in several places on the web for some scenery that would get rid of the unsightly "humps" and add Sea World in vain. Does anyone know of a scenery add-on for this?


    Having said that, my last flightsim experience was with FS2002 and FSX Steam edition is a massive improvement. I am really enjoying it!

  7. Download went well. Good to be back in the sky. Still working on setting up things and especially trying to understand how I can make the autopilot follow a flightplan. I think I used to be able to do that in FS2002. In any case, I am having fun with it.


    Quick question: Does anyone know of any scenery for KSEE Gillespie? It is the nearest airport to my house and what I prefer to fly out of. Thank you all again.

  8. ON Amazon I am told I can purchase a used copy of FSX for 80+ U.S. dollars. I can go to Steam and get a copy for less than $30 U.S. dollars. Am I missing something here? I have been away from FS for a few years and I don't have a system that can run the latest version. I am likely going to go through Steam but before I do I would like to know if there are any hidden downsides to doing so. Using Win 10 BTW
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