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Everything posted by flybouy

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Have received word & must thank Khamsin for allowing me to paint & submit liveries of their N/A B-25 Mitchell Here is the first of a few paints that I have recently put together "The GRIM REAPER" These are fictitious liveries that I've recently put together on a whim. This particular paint can be used for either the glass nose version or the Strafer version. I've labelled them in my aircraft folder as "H" for Glass & "J" for Strafer. The Glass Nose version depicts that of a 1942 version which is indicated by the Roundels being used. The Strafer Nose version on the otherhand is depicting that of a newer 1943 to 1947 version, again as per the Roundel Chart I've included in the download & in each livery folder. For those who have downloaded the Khamsin B-25 Mitchell, please Enjoy, keep her aloft & stick that landing.
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Thanks to 6535th for the photos he sent & his request for a true likeness of the actual VMF-321. With this livery I kept everything as per the photos provided so you will end up with a true look alike. Wish I had these photos earlier as they were much more detailed orientated then the ones I had for my earlier submission. Anyway, Enjoy, keep her aloft & stick that landing.
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Got the inspiration from AFNavarro's VF-111 Sundowners livery & others. I then went onto the internet & looked around & found various images of VMF-321. I then used my own imagination regarding the stars in that I ended up using a yellow versus a white, changed the registration numbers to something fictitous with this being the end result. I'm happy with how she turned out & I hope you are too. So! Enjoy, keep her aloft & stick that landing.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    The clocks counting down folks and here they come to the line....& they are off with a flying start with 09 pulling out front. Boy...that 09 is fast. She is starting to pull away from the rest of the field as they round the first pylon. Now she is really pouring it on down the back stretch. She is like her name, a bolt of...a bolt of "WHITE LIGHNING" HEE! HEE! Couldn't help myself. I really want to thank a fellow simmer "eldo" for sending me pictures of this beauty and requesting me to put this livery together. (photos included) It was time consuming with maintaining all the seam lines for the different panels & also the inspection plates etc. Had to do them over a couple of times to get the proper colour that they would show correctly & not be too dominant. I've included only the icon & thumb icon for the clean version only. You will have to create your own icons if you wish to install her in the other versions. I've also got to thank all the folks at Virtavia and also Sean McLeod with keeping all of us upto date during the build of this beautiful piece of history. Like I've been saying If you can get her UP ...& get her DOWN...in one piece, you really do have some potential!
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Here's another livery for the beautiful F7F-3 by Virtavia. This particular livery was requested by 6535th. I found that this bird is maintained & flown at various air shows by Lewis Air Legends. As to any other info I have yet to find it. Anyway, have fun & like I say If you can get her UP....then get her DOWN....in one piece.... you have potential.
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Well PILOT's, here's one I found on the internet that I kind of liked. Made some modifications of my own by adding the Reg # to the front wheel guard & the degree guage behind the elevators. If anyone has photos of other Tigercat's, please let me know & I will see what I can put together. Until then, remember, Enjoy & have fun. If you can get her UP....& then DOWN...in one piece....you have potential.
  7. Version 1.0.0


    When I originally inquired about painting a few of these aircraft from Virtavia, a few suggestions were put forth by there Customer Rep. "Phil". One of his suggestions was that of a Swedish Air Force plane. I'm glad he brought that to my attention because I was not even aware that Sweden was in possession of one. Checking it out on the internet, I found that Sweden did have 1 HP.52 Hampden from 1939 -1945 which they designated as a P5 and was assigned to the Reconnaissance Wing F 11 at Nykoping for evaluation. After the war the aircraft was sold to SAAB where it was used as an avionics testbed. I've included from the internet & a listing of Swedish Air Force Reconnaissance Aircraft during the war. The photo I found, I could not convert to JPEG format to be included here. Thanks to Phil & Virtavia For those of you who have this aircraft in their hanger, please: Enjoy, keep her aloft & stick that landing.
  8. Version 1.0.0


    185 Sqn. RAF was issued Handley Page HP.52 Hampden's in June 1939. In April of 1941 the 185 Sqn was converted over to the Hawker Hurricane prior to being deployed to Malta. In 1942 the squadron received their first Spitfire, as the Hurricane was being outclassed by the Bf-109. The arrival of the Spitfires restored the balance, and by the end of 1942 No.185 Squadron had gone onto the offensive, flying sweeps over Sicily, and then in July 1943 helping to support the Allied invasion of Sicily. What if 185 Sqn went to Malta with the HP.52 & what would the paint scheme have been like due to what was going on in North Africa at the time. With that being said here is a fictitous livery & totally my guess as to what the Desert Camo paint scheme would have looked like on the Hampden. Thanks to Phil @ Virtavia Well, hope you like & as I always say: Enjoy, keep her aloft & stick that landing.
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Here is a livery I put together some time ago of the Carenado S550 Cessna. All my other content on this site had been submitted by others so this is my first post that I've submitted myself under the new format, so you can say it's a test for me at this point. If this works out there will be lots more to come. As they say patients is a virtue, especially when they are re-designing a web site like this so good luck to those involved. What has been done here with submitting a new file is so much easier. Well! Like they say: "If you sit around too long. life is going to pass you by." With that being said........Enjoy & have fun.
  10. 60 downloads

    X-Plane Lockheed L-12a - CF-TCC TCA 1.0. This is a Trans Canada Air Lines livery (CF-TCC) for the Lockheed Electra L-12A by Steve Baugh: LOCKHEED_L-12A_V2-0.ZIP. The real livery is found on an L-10, but I thought that it would look just as good on the L-12A. By Doug Lawrance (Flybouy).
  11. 41 downloads

    X-Plane Lockheed L-12a - NC18906 1.0. This is a livery (NC18906) for the Lockheed Electra L-12A by Steve Baugh: LOCKHEED_L-12A_V2-0.ZIP. Another nice clean aircraft that I ended up having a little fun with. Added a few decals to make it a little different and out of the norm. By Doug Lawrance (Flybouy).
  12. 37 downloads

    X-Plane Lockheed L-12a - NC0272 1.0. This is a nice clean livery for the beautiful Lockheed Electra L-12A by Steve Baugh: LOCKHEED_L-12A_V2-0.ZIP. I put this one together from a photo I again found on the internet. This one really caught my eye, so here is NC2072. By Doug Lawrance (Flybouy).
  13. 28 downloads

    X-Plane Lockheed L-12a - NC14259 PAA 1.0. This is a Pacific Alaska Airways livery (NC14259) for the Lockheed Electra L-12A by Steve Baugh: LOCKHEED_L-12A_V2-0.ZIP. This livery is per a request from Jody Goodrich. The photo she sent me piqued my interest, so I ended up searching for additional photos. All photos are included. The actual aircraft used by PAA was that of the Lockheed L-10 Electra. Pacific Alaska Airways was a subsidiary of Pan American World Airways that flew routes around Alaska. The airline was eventually completely absorbed into Pan Am in 1941. By Doug Lawrance (Flybouy).
  14. 29 downloads

    X-Plane Lockheed L-12a - 41-1096 U.S. Navy (Fictitious) 1.0. Here is a new fictitious livery for Steve Baugh's Lockheed L-12a Electra Jr: LOCKHEED_L-12A_V2-0.ZIP. I'm including both the new vintage version, what I refer to as the "Tin Hat" and the original glass roof panel, which I refer to as the "Skyliner". Hope you like them. I took the idea for this aircraft from one I did for the Beech 18 sometime ago. Instructions on how to use this livery are included in the download. By Doug Lawrance (Flybouy).
  15. 63 downloads

    X-Plane 115372 CAF PC-21 1.0. This is a completely fictitious livery for the freeware Pilatus PC21 by Vasco Ribeiro: PILATUS_PC-21.ZIP. I took the liberty to have some fun, so I promoted myself from a painter to a Captain and even acquired a back seater whom I never met and I'm really quite dubious about. Oh well! Must give everybody the benefit of doubt. We will just have to keep a open eye on what goes on back there. Well, have fun folks so enjoy, keep her aloft and stick that landing. By Doug Lawrance (Flybouy).
  16. 58 downloads

    X-Plane Bellanca Cruisair Senior C-FQBZ 1.0. While using Stephane Toledo's Bellanca the other day (BELLANCA_14-13-2_CRUISAIR_SENIOR.ZIP) flying Route 66, I mentioned how nice this plane was to fly and that I needed to find some liveries for it. Low and behold, there was nothing to be found. Oh! Oh! I hate when this happens. The would be painter in me took over. Well, here you have it "C-FQBZ". If you folks happen to like her, I will put together some other versions. Enjoy, keep her aloft and stick that landing. By Doug Lawrance (Flybouy).
  17. 85 downloads

    X-Plane Lockhheed L-12a Electra - F-AMPJ 1.0. Here is a truly iconic Lockheed L-12a for Steve Baugh's Lockhheed L-12a Electra: LOCKHEED_L-12A_V2-0.ZIP. "Here's looking at you, kid" and "Play it again, Sam". Yep, for you older folks - Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman in "Casablanca". Thanks to "6535th" for the suggestion of putting this one together. Did a bit of research just to get the right effects on this livery so I have included those shots. Have fun folks and remember...enjoy, keep her aloft and stick that landing. By Doug Lawrance (Flybouy).
  18. Paul - Your paintings really look fantastic. Keep up the great work. Flybouy
  19. 58 downloads

    X-Plane BN-2B Britten-Norman Islander Prototype 1.0. This is a livery for the Nimbus BN-2B Britten-Norman Islander. The livery here is from the prototype BN-2 Islander registration G-ATCT which first flew in 1965. Repainted in Gimp v2.1. By Paul Mort.
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