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XP-11.55 - Khamsin's N/A B-25 Mitchell - "The Grim Reaper" 1.0.0

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About This File

Have received word & must thank Khamsin for allowing me to paint & submit liveries of their N/A B-25 Mitchell

Here is the first of a few paints that I have recently put together


These are fictitious liveries that I've recently put together on a whim. This particular paint can be used for either the
glass nose version or the Strafer version. I've labelled them in my aircraft folder as "H" for Glass & "J" for Strafer.
The Glass Nose version depicts that of a 1942 version which is indicated by the Roundels being used. The Strafer Nose 
version on the otherhand is depicting that of a newer 1943 to 1947 version, again as per the Roundel Chart I've included 
in the download & in each livery folder.

For those who have downloaded the Khamsin B-25 Mitchell, please 

Enjoy, keep her aloft & stick that landing.

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