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File Comments posted by cmr1990

  1. Sadly I have to recommend people don't download this plane, 4 separate attempts to get her off the ground have resulted in not even achieving V1 all four times, I was able to get V1 on the longest RW in the US (groom lake)


    When I was able to get her off the ground at groom late she went into an in-savable stall. Project Airbus mods usually do well and preform well, but someone somewhere has obviously messed up the flight dynamics by the time this specific one got uploaded here. I say if you must have this skin just get the Project Airbus A321 elsewhere and just put the skin from this one on it.

  2. Beautiful plane, Sadly it is not flyable for me. When In flight 3 of her 4 engines fail, and I have not found any possible ways to fix this error. How I know the engines failed (because in air the air resistance keeps inactive/off props spinning) is by slewing the plane to the ground and finding one engine still running the others shut off. Again I really want to like this plane, and everything else is flawless about her, sadly its bugs like the one I encountered that really kill any recommendations I would have towards others. I guess in tl/dr form.


    Has a major flight breaking bug, download at your own risk.


    *Before someone asks, This wasn't an ISOLATED bug, It occurred in all 9 attempts I had to fly this plane (over the span of probably 3 hours), Talked with a friend of mine who had it in his hanger in FSX and he addressed to me the same issue.

  3. maybe I should have gave this mod a full review like I did the other ones, and maybe in the future I will (it really depends if I care to pick it back up and try again)


    but when that was posted I had spent upwards of 4 hours trying to get even a passable flight out of the aircraft, every-time it stalled at around 10,000ft.


    So I was in a hostile mood I will admit that, I still don't recommend the aircraft. Like I said it needs a lot of work but I do hope mod makers do read these comments and try to learn from them. If the onboard systems and panel were fixed in a patch I would gladly recommend it.

  4. yes I am, over 6,000 hours logged in flight sim. This aircraft stalls out so easily its not even funny. It needs serious work. If your messing around trying to fly it at low altitudes and by hand then I can see it being alright (using that term loosely) but trying to operate it at all using autopilot or FBW systems. Its not possible at all.


    There are two things that annoy me the most that mod makers with Jet aircraft, non-functioning autopilot or on board systems. And a cockpit that is in another language (which I like because of realism) and has NO tooltips/popups in english of what each switch is.


    This mod does both of these and I can not recommend it. I'm not a harsh reviewer by no means, I will overlook one or two problems if I have an enjoyable and flyable aircraft to fly. This mod does not do that for me. Its not enjoyable, and its not flyable (with on board systems, which for the sake of "realism" is a MUST in Commercial Jet mods)


    For the sake of argument I will give some positives,

    On the GROUND she handles great, the turning responsiveness in the rudder is one of the best I have experienced. The model and sounds are good. The 2d cockpit would be great if it had that tooltip thing I mentioned before.


    This mod has potential but in its current state its just something I can not in good conscious recommend to people. I did the same thing with an A350 review before, it was good on the outside, its internal systems were completely crap. I didn't recommend it ether.


    but before saying I need to "learn" or if I'm being "serious" look at the reviews of the other mods on here I have flown, I recommend quite a good amount of them. So far out of 18 or so reviews including this plane I have only not recommended 2.

  5. Honest review/feedback #4


    Lets get right into it

    Pros) Almost everything

    Cons) Couldn't find any in my use, besides it using default A320 sounds and default A320 panel (modded) :)


    Summery) What can I say, I had 0 issues with her. She flew well, all her systems worked well. Her model and animations were good. She uses default panel and sounds but that is fine with me because my default and A320 sounds and panel are replaced by good freeware ones her on Flightsim. So do I recommend this bird (and her sistorship 797v5wnx.zip) very much!

  6. Honest review/feedback #3


    Lets get right into it

    Pros) Handles Well (In Air), Decent Model, Good Sound, Good Textures

    Cons) AI Conversion, Default A320 Cockpit (modded in), Ground Handling, Throttle Responsiveness, Broken ILS system, Broken Autopilot System


    Summery) Well first off I want to thank the mod maker for making this mod and taking the effert. I personally would love to fly a quality Freeware A350, Sadly this is not the one. Before I get into the negatives let me talk about what the mod has going for it. The Model and Textures are both good. In flight itself she handles very well. And she has very nice custom sounds. Now lets get into why I don't like this mod. Its an AI Conversion, I'm sorry every single AI conversion I have encountered has had the same exact issues and its sad to see even this many years into FSX modding that AI conversions are still a thing. All of my "cons" for this aircraft are because its an AI conversion. It was never made to be a user controlled aircraft and it shows. First The cockpit, it uses the default A320 cockpit (okay this is nothing new, I don't like it but its nothing new) however it is modded to have a couple new "bells and whistles" This would be well and good if they actually worked, a good bit of them don't work or if they do they are broken. I could go into all the issues with the panel but it wold take up way to much time. The ground handling, On the ground this aircraft is very unresponsive to a turning radius. Her breaks are very bad (over-ran on what was a perfect landing because she effectively has no breaks.), She in a sense has no thrust reverse, Its in the aircraft but extremely too weak for any human controlled use. The throttle response is awful, I can't put it any other way. She barely gets off the ground at all and once you start climbing its very easy to stall out with only 1000fpm climb. Going back to the cockpit real quick, she has no functioning Autopilot or ILS in a sense, both are very broken. They were so bad I gave up trying to land via ILS at Beijing and just decided to land visually (which was unsuccessful due to the Breaks issue).


    So overall do I recommend this mod (and its sister mods there are multiple ones, just look in the filename they are all similar filenames.) ? No I can not in good conscious recommend this aircraft in its current state. It has way to many issues to even be worth a download for me, She was removed from my library and will not be put back in. Even if there are updates. Like I said most of these issues are because it (the model) was never intended to be user controlled in the first place. So any update is just putting a bandaid on it. I want to like it, and if I needed it for an AI fleet then I will consider it. However as that illusive A350 freeware mod, This mod is not it.

  7. Honest review/feedback #2


    Lets get right into it

    Pros) Decent Model, Solid Custom Sounds, Solid Custom Cockpit* , A NICE VC!, She handles very well even though she does not natively support ILS Systems (This will be brought up a lot in my reviews/feedbacks mostly with Jetliners), Custom Animations


    Cons) Textures, The Cockpit*, Metric System (Realism)


    Summery) She is a beautiful aircraft that is a little rough around the edges, the VC, Cockpit, and handling of this bird makes her worth the download, but there is more to her. The authentic feel of this plane as well! Now personally there is a few things that were a minor pet peeve of this plane. Personally in the VC the co-pilot and crew, They just bring down the overall good quality of the VC and I would have just left them out if I created the mod. She is so easy to fly by hand that I made a pretty rough (rain and short runway) visual landing in Latvia quite easily! With everything else going for it I feel the Textures are a little lacking, they are not bad I just feel they could be better. The custom animations are a nice touch aswell. She uses the metric system rather then the native imperial system in FSX for her onboard systems. This was not a problem for me because I just converted my altitude in flight to adjust, however this could be something that catches a person off guard.


    So overall do I recommend this mod (and its sister mod an26_raf-avia_fix.zip) ? Yes, she has her setbacks but overall she is still a very good Russian Turboprop! She will be staying in my FS directory for a good long time!

  8. Here is my experience with this aircraft in simple and short.


    Pros) Lovely model, quality textures. Handles as I have come to expect out of a 737. She was a pleasure and enjoyable to fly.

    Cons) could only find two, no custom sound or panel. Both are a non issue if you use other ones from here on flightsim in this aircraft (which another pro was she was responsive and reactive to custom panel/gauges.), The rudder is atrocious, It was the only problem I could find was during taxi her rudder stuck and was so "weak" it was impossible to steer the aircraft on the tarmac.


    Overall she is a very nice aircraft and was quite fun to fly. The rudder issue is quite a big one but all the rest of the positives I can look it over. It receives a 8/10 for me, if an update addresses the rudder issue it will be a good 10/10 for what she is :) I recommend this bird to 737 or com-jet fans or even just KLM fans :)

  9. This aircraft could use some TLC, But the fact that the plane flys well and has some nice features (one is a GODSEND but won't say what it is ;) ) The only issue are 2 pretty major bugs, the throttles/engines will bug out and one will stop working completely unless you use autopilot, and the sounds are insainly too loud and sound overall "distorted". These two bugs only happen randomly it seems and if it wasn't for them it would be a good 8/10 aircraft, right now with the bugs its a 6 or 7/10.

    CMR's FSX Mods Status for this airplane) Staying in FSX, Will be removed if mod management requires so.


    I did a full flight and review of this aircraft here, you can see first person the issues I faced with the plane.


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