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Posts posted by Stewie

  1. Hello FS9 Simmer. I've purchased this scenery and found that there is an issue with the grass at the airport looks the there is a code missing (see below). Attempts to reach Taxi2Gate regarding this issue have gone unanswered. Assuming they are no longer active. Apparently from other posts, there is an upgrade, but there are no upgrades for FS9 on their website. So it is my hope that someone that received the fix from them to resolve this, would be kind enough to share with me.


    Thank you in advance and Happy Thanksgiving.


  2. Thank you for the feedback. I guess I could live with flights coming through the mountain, but now i've discovered that some of the other ai just appear at a gate without landing. I assumed that it might be an issue with the flight time, but when I tried flying to the island, it never cleared me to land. It does give instructions to circle rnwy 25 to land on rnwy 7. The altitude assigned would cause the plane to collide with the mountain at rnwy 25. In order to clear the mountain, it would require 2500ft to clear successfully. Is there a way to create an ILS for the afcad, even though it's not realistic for this airport?
  3. Does anyone know how to stop AI from landing on the wrong end of the runway? I'm using the E Joshua St. Vincent scenery. Runway 7 is used for landing and Runway 25 for takeoff. Unfortunately, AI is landing through the mountain at the end of Runway 25. I've tried changing everything I could think of in the afcad and nothing changes. Any support in how to correct this would be appreciated.





  4. Does anyone know of any plans or existing scenery for Argyle Intl Airport in St. Vincent? The only one available is ok to have the airport active, but not the most visually appealing. I've attached pictures of the airport. I've seen several vs. for FSX, but can't find anything new for FS2004. Thank you in advance for your feedback.





    Argyl Airport St. Vincent .JPG

    Argyl Airport St. Vincent II.JPG

  5. 1. Is it a Windows game? If YES, then wrong forum. If NO, see 2.


    2. If it is an add-on airport for FS2004 & you know the name, then search in the library for it. If NO, see 3.


    3. See 1.


    1. It is not a Window game. It is a Utility (compiler for scenery files).

    2. It is not in flightsim nor Avsim

    3. See # 1

  6. It's a touchy subject. Even if something is no longer in production, it is in fact intellectual property. Just because something is "old" or not being made anymore doesn't mean it's just "free" for the taking.


    Let me give you a little story on this in hopes of educating the readers out there. When Game Spy shut down they of course took with them many games including the great Battlefield 2's ability to play. Now I loved BF2 with the AIX mod to make the game even better. Even when the game was released sometime circa 2005, I still played the game years latter until Game Spy shut down. Then one day along came a third-party client from a website that allowed you to still play BF2 without the need for Game Spy. But their massive mistake was to also allow everyone and their great uncle to download this "old" and supposedly now "free" game. Well, EA ( Electronic Arts) sent them a letter which I did read since they publicly posted it, and they were nice in the letter and everything, but said in a polite way that they couldn't do what they were doing so they had to shut down.


    Now today there is a long running third-party client allowing you to play BF2 called BF2 Hub, but they DO NOT offer a download of the game. You'd either have to own the game from the get go or purchase it on eBay or what ever. There's also a third-party client for some Command & Conquer games like Zero Hour and Red Alert.


    So you see here, just because a game or what ever is "old" doesn't mean it's free unless it's made free by the creator. This legal crap is very important to creators of python scrips, PHP scripts, .EXEs, etc at Github, SorceForge, etc. They will have a license file stating what their work is licensed under. A lot of times you see something like Creative Commons or GNU, or MIT, etc. All have different weight depending on what you're doing. In my case, a friend of mine creates a free firewall script coded principally in PHP for websites that I use that has an MIT license. Where did all this crap come from? Probably Bill Gates. HAHAHA! I kid, I kid.


    At any rate, to add parking to this AFCAD airport file you'll want Airport Design Editor. You'll need to know how to use it which is very simple pertaining to just parking. You'll also have to ascertain which BGL file in your install is the airport file. It may be the named the ICAO name its self. Make sure you add taxi paths that connect the parking spots to the taxiways and runway. And add night lighting to the taxi paths (if the airport in real life has it) but for God sakes, not the parking spot as well. I can't tell you how many airport files I had to hand edit to either A) add lighting or B) pull lights out of a parking spot. LOL Ever been to a commercial airport? See a bunch of taxi lights running down the parking spot? I never have. :D


    If you give me a print screen of what the files look like in your install, I could perhaps take a guess as to which BGL file would be the AFCAD you'd load into ADE for editing. Make damn sure you backup the original though.


    Don't know how to take a print screen? Two ways:


    A) The easiest, and this applies to Windows 7 and maybe 10. In the search orb in search begin typing snipping tool. Open that, and with the airport add-on install folder open with its files, crop a square around the area you want to screen grab. The resulting image file will be in png format. Upload here using the advanced reply feature.


    B) With the add-on folder open showing its files, press the Print Screen key on your keyboard. Now go into your favorite paint program like Paint or Photoshop, etc and go to Edit | Paste. Now once you have the image loaded into your Paint program you can crop your areas of interest (in this case the files in the add-on), and save as a jpg. Upload here.


    Thank you!

  7. Search for aircraft textures in the texture folder.

    Then search these names in the scenery bgls.

    So you find the bgls with aircrafts, but now you have to find a way to disassemble and modify them.

    Good luck!


    Thank you. I found one of the files and was able to remove the aircraft. The problem now is how do I compile back into a bgl file?

  8. Help - This scenery has several airports with static aircraft. Unfortunately, there is not an obvious file that could be removed to resolve this. I've downloaded .bgl analyzer, and extracted a couple of files at various airports, but did not find a line that indicated a static aircraft. Does anyone know how what I should do? Any help is appreciated.


    Thank you.

  9. Did you download this from the library here? I can edit this airport and add parking, etc.




    Oh, It's an Aerosoft airport. Well, I'd have to buy it to edit it. I don't think you can give me the AFCAD for me to edit on grounds of copyright crap.


    With Aerosoft no longer offering this scenery, would you look at it and advise me how I could get it to work? Please also advise how I could send it to you as well, if possible. TY

  10. Recently, I traveled the to Virgin Islands and had the opportunity to fly on Seaborne Seaplane (DHC-6-300 Twin Otter w/WipLine floats) between between downtown Christiansted, St. Croix and downtown Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas. While I can find the aircraft for AI, I cannot find the seaports.


    While i'm not an artist, I would like to try my hand at creating a seaport. Hopefully someone out there can recommend a software and provide guidance on how I can make begin this project. However, if someone has already done this and have the scenery, that woudl be even better if you could share.


    Thank you in advance.



  11. HELP! I'm trying to use this tool to convert some of the great repaints that can be found in FSX for FS9. Of course the FSX file only has a .dds texture file, whereas FS9 has (2) L.bmp and T.bmp . This program does not have a tutorial and I have no idea how to use it to convert this one file into the 2 that I need for my FAIB 737-700. Any help that can be provided would be greatly appreciated. Hope everyone stays healthy and safe.



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