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Posts posted by plainsman

  1. The threads would tell a different story if they were just locked and posts not removed.


    Why is it necessary to create the need for moderation in the first place! I know I don't have any animosity toward anyone that lauds, praises and extolls which ever sim they prefer. If you work to promote FS9, I am right there as an advocate! I have files for FS9 in the library. I have noted some things that make it useful.

    All that said, why a concerted effort to DISRUPT the MSFS forum and create behavior that gets threads locked or removed? It serves no ones interest to interrupt the helpful assistance to other users just to interject some snarky or disparaging comment! You bring up that you are angry, yet you criticize others for "taking the game too seriously". Don't you see the irony in that position? If you and others would just spend the time building FS9 into the best product it can be, you would be much more successful in insuring its continued patronage. As it is, your histrionics are depleting the patronage in these forums. You may start a great FS9 site and I wish you well, but this site reaches a broad market. All those departures are ironically, diminishing the popularity of the sim you promote??

  2. I've been here a long time despite not posting frequently. This makes me angry. I own MSFS, FSX and FS2004. Why is this site not neutral to all these 3 sims? All 3 should be supported equally?


    I disagree with this premise. Do you expect Motor Trend to cover DeSoto and Mercury with the same support as Chevrolet and Ford? I can see maintaining support for P3D, X-Plane and even FSX Steam Edition, but the world moves on and technology moves on. I also own FSX and I own FS2002, but I don't expect the community to treat them equally. No one says you can't like FSX, and enjoy it! What makes the community unhappy, is to TOTALLY discount a vast majority opinion, at least in the MSFS forum, just to trash it without any specific complaints or problems. I was really happy with SuperCalc 5.5, but the technology moved on and even though I miss some graphic features, I have moved on as well. We are not bashing FS9, but it isn't going to exploit modern computers and technology. Why get angry, just enjoy your preference but don't disrupt those that have a different perspective!

  3. I cannot believe the double standards is all I will say


    Toyota is a popular make of car. A lot of folks like them, some don't. Ford is a popular make of car. A lot of folks like them and some don't. What appeals to a Toyota fan may be different than what appeals to a Ford fan. The world can accommodate both opinions. If you think both Toyota and Ford are garbage and love Hudsons, you are certainly entitled to your opinion, but don't have apoplexy when most don't share that sentiment. You are welcome to note the things that make Hudsons great, but just trashing everything else and those that enjoy their preference included, is not only not productive, but also disruptive. We know you don't like MSFS, what more do you need to comment!

    Secondly, I note in another section you INCORRECTLY state that other opinions were banned. I want to correct that as I understand the record. The parties were NOT banned, rather the rules were explained as to the proper behavior to allow a functioning forum, and those folks did not like the rules, and CHOSE to leave rather than follow the rules. I am not a mod, so I don't know the details, but that is the public record.

    Laud FSX or FS9 or FS98 all you like. There are reasons to prefer sims that have a lot of mature content. Enjoy what you like. But don't become disgruntled when most don't share your perspective.

  4. I have pretty much ignored this thread, because at the outset, the post was vague and talked about "feelings of excitement" which I not only adamantly don't share, but are not sufficiently specific to address in updates. There are two ways the community can approach this product. Like this thread, you can stomp your feet and scream at the sky and still achieve absolutely nothing, or you can incrementally address SPECIFIC issues in detail sufficient to allow the developer to address them in updates. If your motive is to get the developer to "start over", that won't happen and we all lose if this program gets cancelled. If your issue is jet airliners, development partners are quite close to adding some vastly improved products from what I have read. Beyond that, these same partners are working with Asobo to refine their flight and systems capabilities. That will achieve a lot more than a virtual temper tantrum. As to the ability to explore the world, there is just no comparison of any other product to the detail, accuracy, and rendition of the world. I recall an early flight in Chile, I found a superb view of a lake that resulted from a volcanic eruption, all clearly revealed from 15,000 feet. The only places I have found, that have somewhat limited graphics, are sites in nations which have demanded MS blur the terrain for their military security.

    One more point, you talk about people being pushed out of the community, but I have not seen that. People have left because they did not want to behave in a manner that respected the ability of the community to provide information and assistance to forum queries. They were not pushed out, they CHOSE to leave. As you have demonstrated, folks are free to stomp and scream, and seek attention, just don't hijhack legitimate threads which address members questions and interrupt the flow of useful information.

    As to simulation, several aircraft are really well done. The Da40NG, Robin, 152, and 172 all come to mind. I agree ATC is an area where improvement can be gained, but that can be remedied in time. Enjoy the vastly improved rendition of the world, nice GA aircraft, and provide specific recommendations of issues needing to be addressed. Hyperbole will not get the community ANYTHING!

  5. I don 't really think you will be able to get much performance increase for anything near $400. GPU are not priced as in the past. Your RTX2070 would probably fetch over $1000.00 on the used market. Even the basic GTX 1650 is $700 or more. An RTX 3080 is over $1750. An RX6800 is about $1500. The problem is a supply chain malfunction in all chips sets, but especially GPUs. My suggestion is to really optimize your settings. You won't see much visual difference in High and Ultra settings. There are some tricks to setting render scaling that will vastly improve performance with almost no visual loss. I have the same GPU and I don't see any frame rate issues, but I have them locked at 30fps. One thing you might want, a really good M.2 card helps, as this is a huge data demand.

    I posted at the same time as loki, I wasn't trying to address his post. My prices are from Newegg today.

  6. I use 340-360 pounds per passenger because the actual seating accommodates 6 passengers not three, and a substantial load of parcels. 340/2= 170 pounds. Note, the King Air has an actual payload limit of 2545 pounds by Beechcraft website!


    MS gave me two small females as pilots. Thus they weigh 112 pounds each!


    The fuel is after the flight!

    350i seating.jpg

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