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Posts posted by flightsimg

  1. Like most of airlines worldwide, our European Airlines (EA) activities are hit due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are maintaining about some two flights a day only. That one was on Saturday, Mar. 27th, a morning flight to Edinburgh, Scotland EGPH from our usual hub at Brussels Zaventem, Belgium EBBR. Few mass at takeoff even with full fuel :):)






    Few planes on the tarmac at Brussels Zaventem (EBBR)! Easy to get cleared!





    Waiting for our takeoff clearance at rwy 02. We're departing North





    A view of EBBR in the distance, after takeoff. Brussels is to the right of picture





    Once crossed the Channel, we're turning to a northern heading as we will fly all along England. With a view of my faithful First Officer!





    A uneventful flight otherwise, and a good cloud deck!





    That view when descending to our destination, Edinburgh, Scotland EGPH





    On a kind of downwind! The weather less obscure under the clouds :)





    Pax view along the approach!





    Parked at our gate in EGPH. We'll wait in the afternoon to fly to Heathrow, London then back to Brussels





    Two small transporters took off shorly after our arrival!


    -- all my European Airlines (EA) flights with:

    .boxed FSX Gold Edition with the Acceleration Pack

    .my plane, a Tenkuu Developers Studio (TDS) / by Chris Evans Boeing 737-600 Westjet package with enhanced VC, I tweaked under several aspects, and made liveries for; using the ENBSeries for FSX freeware to improve light bloom from inside the flightdeck, the pax or outside views

    .some miscellaneous freeware improvements (tarmac textures, pax window view, and the like with some airport aprons, taxiways and runways improved by me from the FSX default) and the airports I flew to/from improved with photoreal textures through the freeware FS Earth Tiles software

    .people on the tarmacs, my creation with personalized default FSX people

    .weather with http://www.plane-pics.de/fsxwx/home.htm FSXWX

    .the freeware shader adjuster rdart78 and textures set

    .flightplan partly with the https://www.simbrief.com/ simBrief site, or just with the FSX default route calculator

    .flight doc with the e-AIP sites of countries concerned, or not :) --

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