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Everything posted by bmatt569

  1. Sorry to chime in so late on this one guys. But, I couldn't let this one go. I teach part time. One of our "classrooms" is in a hanger that is owned by the Commemorative Air Force at the airport in Burnet, Texas. The pride and joy of their squadron was the "Bluebonnet Belle". Imagine if you will how hard it was for me to stand facing the big window looking down into the hanger and seeing this beautiful aircraft week after week. The Belle was flown down to Galveston for a flight demonstration. While doing that a couple of cylinders were destroyed. The Belle was parked on the tarmac there for a few months while the engine was pulled and repaired. Eventually the Bluebonnet Belle came home to Burnet. A very short time later on a Saturday morning, a group of folks (I believe there were about 12 or 14 people on board) were going to be taken up to see the Texas Highland Lakes area. During take off the Belle failed to climb out of ground effect and crashed. All on board were able to escape with their lives. One of the crew was seriously burned. The ensuing fire destroyed the Bluebonnet Belle. It was a devastating loss to the entire community. This was the last picture I got of the Belle taken a couple of weeks before the crash.
  2. Khalid, Wonderful pics of the DC-4. Glad you find it fun to fly. I'm waiting with bated breath for a model of the DC-4, -6, or -7 to be fitted with floats. That way Jan and some of the rest of us with, shall we say, an affinity, for water will feel more comfortable. Regards to all, Bill
  3. John, Really Plan G, LittleNavMap and the flight planner in MSFS all do pretty much the same thing. Since you said most of your flights are VFR under 3 hours, IMHO and just MHO, any of them will do just fine. Plan G and LittleNavMap's map function is easier to move around in than MSFS's. You can actually drag the map around rather than having to go to the border and clicking to move around. Both Plan G and LittleNavMap allow you to load a plan into MSFS flight plans. LittleNavMap allows for Navigraph updates as well. Since both Plan G and LittleNavMap are free for the download it can't hurt to give them both a try and see if you like either one better than the default planner in MSFS. One caveat, they both will take a little time to understand the nuances. Reading the manuals is necessary. But, neither one is terribly complicated. Hope this helps a bit. Bill
  4. The answer to your question is, how real do you want your sim experience to be? There are some who want it, "as real as it gets". Others are satisfied to approximate the flight sim experience. From what I've seen and experienced myself the latter is OK. Keep in mind that the ATC Controllers are doing the same thing you are. But, instead of flying a simulated aircraft they are manning a simulated radar scope. I appreciate the time and effort they put in to learn that aspect of our hobby. The other guys that have responded to your question have given you you sage advice. The only thing I would add is to go to the VATSIM website and go thru their training so you get the gist of how to do things correctly. Then get online, let the controller know you are new to this and accept the help they'll give you to really enjoy this aspect. Have fun! Bill
  5. Yes, Zippy, but we all know that you are much more "tech savvy" than some of us old timers. Yeah, yeah, that's it's my old timers disease. Thanks for your help ... as usual. Bill
  6. Hi All, After doing my due diligence and running a search, I didn't find anything that would help me, both here and on VATSIM. My VatSpy won't load. I get the error as below. Any ideas on how to resolve this? I'm running Win10 and FSX SE on this old laptop. Thanks
  7. Hi All, This has me baffled. Let me show you what I'm talking about. From FSX>SimObjects>Airplanes (notice there is no Bombardier Lear Jet listed) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the actual file in FSX>SimObjects>Airplanes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- But it shows up here as a "Bombardier Lear 45" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Only Lear here is the Honda Am I missing something here or does it matter where it is or what it's named as long as it shows up? Also, I want to add another livery to the Lear (OK, this is my REAL reason for asking all of this) I have added the texture file to the "Lear45" file and editted the cfg for the Lear but the new texture doesn't appear. Since I'm doing it I might as well show this as well. This is the texture I want to add ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The one above it for comparison -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Lear45 file in FSX Comments, solutions, anything? Sorry this is so long but I fugured if I showed you guys all of this we can get it sorted out in one fell swoop. Thanks Bill --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. Hi All, I'm really surprised that no one mentioned http://www.myairplane.com . It has all of the latest U.S. NACO charts, airport diagrams, etc. and of course, it's free.
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