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Everything posted by nathantw

  1. Just a quick note that version 5.1 is available for download.
  2. It appears I was wrong. Rex Environment Force 5 was the culprit that messed up my dll.xlm file. Took me all day to figure that one out. Now I'm all set. So, the reason why I don't post the instructions on how to put Tileproxy into Prepar3D is because it's not the easiest thing. I forgot many of the steps and if people run into problems they'll ask me for help as though I'm an expert, which I'm not. Sorry.
  3. Well, it was fun while it lasted, but under P3D v.4.5 a change was made where Tileproxy won't work any longer.
  4. Thanks for pointing that out. I had no idea. Sorry about that. I think Youtube may have pulled it because they thought it was Guns and Roses or something like that (that was their complaint...that it was a music video even though it had no music). I'll make a new video and upload it.
  5. So last night I spent far too many hours figuring out and configuring Prepar3D v4.3 on my newly converted Windows 10 64-bit machine. After a lot of trial and error I was able to get Tileproxy to work from my SSD. I flew around the San Francisco Bay area in a C130 and that was a treat. No more generic scenery. I thought Google Earth looked good, but I do like Tileproxy better. Tileproxy does have outdated scenery though. I was flying in for a landing at Moffett Field and passed over the Apple spaceship campus. Good Earth had it, of course, but Tileproxy just showed a bunch of buildings. Also, for those that used Tileproxy before, the world is flat whereas Google Earth shows some buildings. There's no night lighting so daylight only flying, same as it was with FSX. I was able to load up Google Earth too so I did a quick proof of concept video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOF3aZvFXcI
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