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Status Updates posted by semmens

  1. Sorry to hear of your problem. I've uploaded another 'calshotspit.zip' file just in case your system is infected and can not unzip files correctly. Please remember this zip file is a scenery zip file not an airport one. I don't know which OS you are using or how you are trying to unzip a zip file? IF YOU ARE USING A COMMERCIAL ZIP PROGRAM I WOULD TEST IT TO SEE IF IT WILL ZIP A SIMPLE FILE & THEN UNZIP IT SUCCESSFULLY.

    Flightsem Software B.Semmens


    1. andreasprotzen


      Thank you, it's OK


      Amdreas Protzen

    2. semmens


      Glad you were able to access this scenery now. Regards B.Semmens (FlightSem Software)

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