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Big throttle problem...


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After flying for years with both default and add-on aircrafts in FSX a strange problem has come up. My yoke, CH Products Flight Sim yoke, only seems to know two positions for the throttle: Either idle or full power. Problem first appeared in my Aerosoft Airbus A319 where I need to advance the throttle gradually on the takeoff roll for a FLEX takeoff - however, the plane goes straight to full power. It´s not a problem with the Airbus itself - when taking off in the default Cessna the same thing happens: Advancing the throttle slightly takes the engine to full power right away. However, the power can still be added gradually by pressing F3 and reduced by pressing F2. I´ve tried to let FSX build a new fsx.cfg but the problem is the same. I´ve also tried to switch to my second yoke and the problem is still the same. In other words: It seems to be some problem in the FSX settings although I haven´t changed anything. My settings right now are: Enabled controller on the calibration page and the yoke assigned as controller. On the button/keys page I have the yoke assigned as controller type for all events. When I go to the calibration page the Z-axis (throttle axis) seems to move gradually as it should do but when flying only two settings are possible: Idle or full throttle...?

Any help is much appreciated.


Kind regards Simon

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Thanks a lot CptCaveman but problem is the same: I went to setting controls/control axes page in FSX launcher and the Z-axis is assigned to the throttle axis as it should be. On the calibration page the Z-axis also moves gradually like it´s supposed to. But with all the aircrafts intsalled there´s still only two options for all of them - idle or full power as soon as the throttle is advanced slightly...
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