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Adjustable altitude callout


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Also, the folder: AltAlerterGau_2 must be in the folder:

Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Gauges


not in the panel folder.


I saw the ini file tells fsx to play the sound from that specific folder.


I'm not sure that folder (microsoft flight simulator x) exists in fsx steam.


If it does not exist, (slightly different name of main folder perhaps) , there may be an issue.


Do you use steam?

If so, don't give up yet.

It should be fixable by editing the ini file.

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Umpteenth thanks il88pp.


My problem resides, as far as I have been able to detect, as follows:


On startup FSX alerts that AltAlert_sound.ini is missing in C:\Program x86\Microsoft Games\Microsoft FSX\Gauges\AltAlerterGau_2.


I have placed it there, it is listed in the Explorer; I have replaced to eliminate a possible corruption; have restarted both FSX and the aircraft for every attempt and yet FSX will not find it.


It is obvious that the problem is beyond my capacity and I can only enjoy the fact that some of you will be enjoying this very convenient gauge.


Windows 10 Pro 64-bit - Intel Core i7-2600 CPU - RAM 8GB DDR3

2048MB ATI AMD Radeon R9 200 series - 3 LDE Monitors - FSX STEAM

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:) -glad to help out.


maybe try downlopading the .zip again ?


I used, from the flightsim.com library:



I unzipped that.


In the unzipped folder, folder a_alert

was folder: AltAlerterGau_2

And that is what I placed in ..\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Gauges

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Are 100% you sure that path is correct??? (In the message and in the folder structure !!)


You said:


C:\Program x86\Microsoft Games\Microsoft FSX\Gauges\AltAlerterGau_2


I would expect:


C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Gauges\AltAlerterGau_2



The path can be different on your computer of course. But I would at least expect:

C:\Program Files (x86)\

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"beepuh beepuh beepuh -- Check Altitude'


Finally it is resolved. The path was correct, I shortcutted it for typing.


Now I abandoned all my attempts and just followed your recommendation in the #28 reply:


Downloaded a_alert.zip from FlightSim.com Library (on top of previous download)

Unzipped and looked for folder a_alert, and inside it copied AltAlerterGau_2 to the FSX Directory.


Next step is to reiterate my deep appreciation of yours and Jim efforts in assisting me, and the resulting bonus that many others may benefit from the use of this excellent gauge.


Windows 10 Pro 64-bit - Intel Core i7-2600 CPU - RAM 8GB DDR3

2048MB ATI AMD Radeon R9 200 series - 3 LDE Monitors - FSX STEAM

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Hi Clarindo.

I got it working in one VC.


What plane do you want to use it with? I will try to fix it so you can use it in that VC too. (No guarantee that will work though, the VC I used is very easy to manipulate. And I know it well by now. The others I find much more difficult.)

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nope. C:\\FSMain\Microsoft Flight Simulator X.


The secret was taking file "dsd_fsx_xml_sound.gau" out of the folder "dsd_fsx_xml_sound",

then plunking it directly in the panel folder.

(plunking it in the ..FSMain\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Gauges would have worked too.)


Also see my next post, I write the guide again.

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altitude alerter gauge glenn copeland FSX


I will explain the one plane in which I got it to work in the VC.

Also, I discovered that the files that I mentioned earlier, are not all needed.

So I will fully rewrite the guide.


I have the altitude alerter gauge ""FS2004 AltAlerter Gau2 by Glenn Copeland"" working now in the 747. In FSX - Flight Simulator X (Acceleration)

Both in the VC and in the Panel.


The full instructions:

--Download the following two files to the desktop:

a_alert.zip -- From the Flightsim.com File Library.


dsd_fsx_xml_Sound_v520.zip -- From D. Dawson's site --



--Unzip both files. To the desktop.


In the unzipped folder "a_alert" you will find folder "AltAlertGau_2"

Copy folder "AltAlerterGau_2 to folder: ..\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Gauges

( Info: This gauge uses an .ini file, which makes the sound play from that specific folder in

..\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Gauges. So the folder must be in ..\Gauges and not in the aircraft's panel folder.)


In the unzipped folder "dsd_fsx_xml_sound_v520" you will find folder "dsd_fsx_xml_sound"

(and several other files)

Inside folder "dsd_fsx_xml_sound" you wil find file "dsd_fsx_xml_sound.gau"

copy file: "dsd_fsx_xml_sound.gau" -->to the panel folder of the boeing b747_400 aircraft.

(or copy it to ..\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Gauges instead, if you prefer.)


Now you need to add both gauges to the panel.cfg file.


first make a backup of the panel.cfg file. call it for example "panel -0- orig copy.cfg" and leave it in the panel folder.


Then open file "panel.cfg". Find the [Window01] section and add the following lines at the bottom, below the last gauge in the [Window01] section.

Change 'XX' and 'YY' to the next gauge numbers.

gaugeXX=AltAlerterGau_2!AltitudeAlerter2, 86, 90, 25, 11,     //Places AltAlerter gauge left side on 2D panel
gaugeYY=dsd_fsx_xml_sound!Sound, 0, 0, 1, 1, ./Gauges/AltAlerterGau_2/AltAlert_sound.ini


Then scroll down the panel.cfg file and add the following lines below the last gauge in the [VCockpit01] section.

-again, change 'XX' and 'YY' to the next gauge numbers.

gaugeXX=AltAlerterGau_2!AltitudeAlerter2,   75, 250, 67, 24,          //Places alt alert gauge in top of PFD
gaugeYY=dsd_fsx_xml_sound!Sound, 0, 0, 1, 1, ./Gauges/AltAlerterGau_2/AltAlert_sound.ini


Close and save the panel cfg file, start FSX, load up the Boeing747, and enjoy.

You can click and set the gauge from the VC or the 2D panel, as you prefer.



Some default buttons in the default 747VC don't work. I posted a fix a little while back.

It also adds several other buttons to the top of the PFD in the VC.

this thread:



(Btw, the AltAlerter gauge placement I gave above, fits right in with that thread. It won't overlap with those extra buttons.)

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The secret was taking file "dsd_fsx_xml_sound.gau" out of the folder "dsd_fsx_xml_sound"


Ahhh gotcha, and the folder "dsd_fsx_xml_sound" came from the .zip file. I didn't even notice the .zip file contained a folder, I just opened the .zip and drug dsd_fsx_xml_sound.gau straight into my FSX\Gauges folder so I guess that explains it.

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yes, that folder name steered me wrong at first.


I saw the panel.cfg line:



That made me think the folder dsd_fsx_xml_sound

would contain a file


(but I did not check.....)


When I finally checked I saw there is no file sound.xml in there.

I realised


refers to a internal gauge "sound.xml"

that must be inside dsd_fsx_xml_sound.gau


No way to check, but it worked deliciously.

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Hi Jim.


I am installed in Program Files (x86) and now exceedingly happy with the sucess following yours and il88pp encouraging and repeated assistance.


Windows 10 Pro 64-bit - Intel Core i7-2600 CPU - RAM 8GB DDR3

2048MB ATI AMD Radeon R9 200 series - 3 LDE Monitors - FSX STEAM

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Mr. Clarindo,

Glad you got it working! It's been an apparent PITA...


Wiggle wiggle wiggle - Yeah!

Ewwwwwww!!! I think my one good eye is going blind!




Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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