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UK2000 airports and DX10 - constant texture flickering


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Hi all,


I recently took the plunge and installed Steve's DX10 fixer. Whilst I was a little apprehensive to say the least I have overcome most issues and got a really stable build of FSX. One issue I can't shake is this, I have UK2000 Manchester and Heathrow airports installed. In DX9 everything was fine, since the switch both airports constantly flicker (that's the best way I can describe it). it seems all the textures have this weird flicker and it's really annoying. I've browsed the UK2000 forums but can't see a mention. I also can't seem to confirm if the airports should actually work in DX10. I've registered for the site but it appears I have to wait for a moderator to "confirm my account" before I can actually ask the question. One thing I haven't done yet is a reinstall of both airports.


So does any else use DX10 and UK2000, if so can you help?




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I've registered for the site but it appears I have to wait for a moderator to "confirm my account" before I can actually ask the question.


Can't help on the DX10 issue...

But IIRC you don't have to wait for that "moderator confirmation", never got it either.

If you've got the mail confirming your request, just login and ask your question.



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