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Fspassengers question about time zones


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Here's a dumb question but since I've been out of flying a while I've forgotten the answer. I have fspassengers and I am confused. If I fly through a time zone from west to east do I need to add an hour per zone to my total gmt time to stay accurate on my landing time. I've looked on their site and it appears they may have done an upgrade to change things to block time but as I only have my phone I can't download an update to my computer. No Internet on my computer means no bugs and the bloatware of an Antivirus system to slow it down. Can anyone explain how to do this. I'm planning from KPVD to KAUS. 2 time zones so I pick up 2 hours. Do I add those to my total gmt time. Depart at 12:00 and arrive at 16:00 or would it be 18:00 due to the time zones. Thanks for the help, I'm so lost.
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