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Wilco CRJ NextGen engine start issue


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After securing the aircraft according to the checklist, I am unable to restart the engines for another flight. I followed the startup sequence but after pressing the engine start button (left or right), there is no activity on the engines. N1 and N2 fans show zero and I have no FF or Oil pressure. The ITT gauge indicates 47. I'm starting to think there's a bug when shuttling down and restarting without exiting to FSX menu. Has anyone experienced the same issue?



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  • 1 year later...

Yes I had the same issue. I eventually discovered the problem is that despite the fact that the APU is running, the plane continues to run off of batteries. The electrical system appears to be fully operational even after the batteries finally die. This became evident by not only the engines won't start, but the radios are dead also. So there appears to be some sort of systems integration problem with their code.


To solve the issue, keep the engines running up until you've finished programming the FMS/CDU. Then shut the engines down, but don't keep them off for more than 5 minutes. You should have no problem starting them up. Although, it's still flakey with a manual startup and I've given up trying to solve it. So instead, I just go with autostart (CTRL+E).


Hope this helps, and I hope Wilco fixes this in a future patch.



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