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AITM 2 traffic tools error


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i tried emailing Thomas but his email is invalid. I had to get a new PC and reinstall everything with FS 2004. the only issue i am currently having is when i try to decompile the flight plans for fs9 it gives me the traffic tools error. I have traffic ttools compiler and decompiler in the ttools sub folder per the readme file but alas it still is not working. 


any one have any ideas what could be causing this? thanks in advance.

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Details of the exact wording of the error message might be helpful.

Many of the older utilities rely on VBasic or C++ run-time libraries that may need to be installed as well.

It may also be necessary to install the program in a sub-directory that is NOT in the default Program Files folder, as one does with FS9 itself.

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If you double-click on TTools in the screen shot of the file system above, is TTools.exe present? If not, it looks like it should be.


Currently, you do not have file type suffixes turned on. This is no crime, it is the Microsoft default but it makes identifying detail when you start working on files more difficult. For instance TTools.exe will not currently show as such, just as TTools, as would other files with the same name. I would recommend doing so - described here: How to turn on hidden filename extensions in Windows (autodesk.com)


Hope this helps,






My co-pilot's name is Sid and he's a star!

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i found the problem. I knew it was something simple. Thomas forgot to add the TTools for FS2004 to the AITM 2 SP2. a quick google search and i found the correct TTools. i removed the old ones popped in the new ones and it worked like a charm. adding a picture to show the difference between the 2 because if you do not know what you are looking for you would assume you have the correct one all along, like i did. 1st picture is the TTools with AITM 2 and the 2nd one is the one you actually need.



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