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Dutch Airports Tour 172SP XP11

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From Flight-Gear in Corona-year 2020 and the FS9/2004 in 2021-‘22, I started this year with X-Plane 11 tests. In the 172SP I started on my home-Airport Eelde for a smal start-landing Tour. Some smal problems. But it looks good.

In de next attempts I hope to visit the other NL-Airports.


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After a good test in XP11 on “Eelde” I had this plan to visit the large and small airports in the Netherlands, “The Dutch Tour”. This week I went to soms airports in de province Groningen and Drenthe, near by. I was very impressed. Good looking airports as Oostwold with the buildings and airplanes. The small airstrip Veendam with Gliders.!

Navigation with Little Nav and export it to XP11 is the way to fly by Autopilot in NAV.

Turning the Autopilot off was a small problem. Just use the red button on the Yoke.! 


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