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CLS/JustFlight 747 in P3Dv5?


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Hello all!

I'm currently using FSX Steam Edition and planning to change to P3Dv5 in the near future. I'm happy to see that most of the add-ons I use in FSX are compatible (in some way or another) with P3D. Except the CLS/JustFlight 747-200/-300, which is one of my favorite jets to fly. On the JustFlight page (https://www.justflight.com/product/747-200-300-hd-fsx), it says its only compatible with P3Dv1-v3 and not with v5. I have the HD version, which has a separate VC and exterior model (which is a requirement for a model to work in P3D I believe), so that's a good sign.
I looked it up online to see if there was a way to implement it into v5. Found a thread in which some people said it was not possible, but some other guy managed to get it working. I just don't really understand what he did (how did he change the gauges?) Here is a link to that thread: https://www.avsim.com/forums/topic/615373-cls-747-classics/
I also found several YouTube videos of the model with working VC in P3Dv5, so it is definitely possible, but the author of the videos were not helpful.
So if anyone got it working somehow, please tell me how. There isn't really another option for a 747-200 in P3D as far as I know.
Also, I can't test your solutions right now, as I don't have P3D yet.

Thanks in advance, guys!


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