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DCS “Low Stress” Mission Series

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What: DCS “Low Stress” Mission Series

When: Friday(repeating weekly) July 14th @ 8a PT / 11a ET / 1500Z

Where: Discord for info, TeamSpeak3 for VoIP, connect to(ctrl-s):ts3.digitalthemepark.com

Additional Info: http://www.digitalthemepark.com

Prerequisite: Familiarity with your airframe of choice


Attention all aviators! Combat flight operations are returning to DigitalThemePark, and we want you to join us for exciting weekly missions using custom missions in DCS World. All experience levels and aircraft types are welcome, so whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a fresh-faced recruit, we invite you to battle with us.


To make sure that we have the best “hand-crafted” missions possible, we’re thrilled to have the talented JimN92T, aka “SPOOK”, providing the mission creation and leading the charge in our weekly operations. With JimN92T at the helm, you can be sure that every mission will be engaging, challenging, and, above all, fun.



* DCS World 2.7 Open Beta

* DCS: Syria Map (purchased add-on)

* DCS: Nellis Map (purchased add-on)

* TeamSpeak 3 & SRS


Note: We suggest getting connected before the event in order to make sure your headset fully works and is familiar with TeamSpeak3. Download TeamSpeak3 at http://www.teamspeak.com, connect to ts3.digitalthemepark.com, and message Zoolander64 or one of the other [STAFF] members as we stay connected 24/7 and usually fly or are not far away from our computer. You can also use the FlightSim.Com/DigitalthemePark Discord, but most will be on TeamSpeak.



DigitalThemePark is a multi-gaming community of virtual citizens. It provides organization and congregation of gamers through Voice-over IP (TeamSpeak 3) while promoting the interests of gaming, software, and hardware. DigitalThemePark uses dedicated servers "in the cloud" for all of its 24/7 dedicated VoIP and Multiplayer services.

-Todd, aka Zoolander64

Check out Flightsim.com "live" events and DigitalThemePark

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