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Suvarnabhumi Airport and Bangkok international airport freezes


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Dear Flightsim,


New glitch...


Anybody have a clue why Suvarnabhumi Airport and Bangkok international airport freezes?


I can land there, sometimes, but freezes when I stop, retract flaps, change view etc.


If I select a flight and click go to those Airport MSFT 2004 quits responding, I've Go to use task manager to kill the program...


I  did a system restore, thought it might have been a plane I installed yesterday an A320-200 original aircraft with a self installer. when that failed I restored my computer to an Acronis full system backup from 3 weeks ago, No Joy...


I've got Bangkok 2004 addon scenery, but it's never been a problem b4.


It's been a few months since I've been there, I don't recall adding any other scenery since...


Any Ideas?




Sneauxwolf @ YouTube


FWIW other airports in Thailand have no problem.

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