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Fix for Revolution chalks / chocks removal.


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If you are flying the Lancair Evolution (REvolution), I do not use it much, the flight model / dynamics is not very good in my opinion, you may have noticed that the front wheel has the chocks permanently attached. Someone had the name misspelled originally and that works, "chalks", renamed to "chocks". proper, which does not.


To fix, until LR awakes up and does properly, it flies better with them on, but if it bothers your visually, replace the file:  "N844X.systems.lua", save the original first or rename to something other than . lua, located in: ...\Aircraft\Laminar Research\Lancair Evolution\plugins\xlua\scripts\N844X.systems with the one include here or if you have an older version saved you can use that.


Remove the .txt extension the name should be:   N844X.systems.lua

Post here if you have any questions or problems.



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I was able to find a fix for the new files, “N844X.systems.lua”, located in: ….Aircraft\Laminar Research\Lancair Evolution\plugins\xlua


and “n844x_exterior.obj” located in: ...Aircraft\Laminar Research\Lancair Evolution\objects,

and got them to work with the proper spelling, chalks >chocks


Just copy the 2 included files to the proper location, remove the ,txt extension, and make sure you assign a key to the Toggle chocks in Setting >Keyboard.


Note: Rename / Save your old files. And these 2 new ones, and keep track on the next Update these files will be overwritten and if the problem is not fixed by LR you will need to go through this process again.


The new update has some aerodynamics improvements and it may be worth giving it another try? Still a way to go on ground handling.

n844x_exterior.obj.txt N844X.systems.lua.txt

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