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Saitek Pro Flight Multi-panel setup question (in FSX)

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I have both the Saitek Pro flight Multi-panel and their Cessna Trim Wheel operating FSX in windows 7. The devices have defaulted so that the Multi-panel trim wheel is controlling pitch trim and the Cessna wheel is trimming the rudder.


I would like to reverse these assignments. I can see how to reassign the Cessna wheel in the FSX Setup/controls window (where the Pro flight yoke, quadrant and Cessna wheel are listed but none my other pro flight devices -- multi-panel, radios and FIPs), but don't understand how to reassign the multi-panel trim wheel, or even whether a change to the multi-panel control settings is possible?


Any suggestions, recognizing my beginner level understanding of Windows and FSX, are appreciated,


Many thanks,



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