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In general you'll be well served by getting the fastest i7 processor you can along with a good modern video card like a 970 or 290x. This is because simulators tend to be more bound by the processor than the video card, but that could change in future. Also get an SSD but not Samsung 840 or 840pro because of the "senility" bug. BTW the difference in speed between 2.5" SSD drives aren't going to make a big difference in general use, but the difference between them and an HD is significant, get one as large as possible. As for RAM 8GB is plenty for the 32 bit sims but if/when 64bit come out you'll probably want at least 16GB. Are you building one or buying one premade if building your own your choices expand, do you plan to over clock or not which simulator did you have in mind are going to use the computer for other things...all these may effect your specific choices. If you want to go with a 4k monitor than you might want to wait and see what AMD's 390x to be released in June (we believe) can do--it may also drive prices down a bit in the high end of the graphics card market.


I'm more familiar with the x99 part of the market right now, very fast but pricy. You'd probably be better served with x79--though if you want something that will last you a bit longer you might consider x99 but you'll probably be crowding the $2k price limit even if you build yourself and without the monitor (processor--$400-$600, MB $250-$500, 16GB RAM $150, Case $150, Graphics Card $350-$600, SSD $300, power supply $200-$250, cooling $50-$150, monitor ? --just very rough prices but gives you an idea). The only prebuilt x99 systems I've seen are way expensive designed for hardcore gamers (with liquid cooling etc.).

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Thanks for the info, I am old school I got out of sim when fsx9 just came out and I could not run PMDG 737 or 747-400. However I am ready to get back in to it, I want some thing that can run fx9 and I don't want any frame rate issues. Also I want to have great graphics. I work on 737-800,777-300,767-200 as a A&P mechanic for a living so I want as really as I can get. I thought about building my own machine but I would like to have a warranty if it poops out. should I stay away from a high end dell at best buy? thanks
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Well all the components of a build will be under warranty. Don't know the current state of Dell. You might try asking on Tom's Hardware or Anandtech about them.


I'm still testing but so far I'm doing quite nicely on my new x99 system with my 4k TV and P3D I just locked it at 30fps, very smooth and am working my way up the sliders. My graphics are a pair of "old" 4GB 770s which do quite well. You will probably get a better system by building (more bang for your buck...and I did leave out the cost of the software like Windows in the above rough price and goodies like joy sticks), but if you've never built before you'll need to do some research. Do you have some specific models in mind? If so post a link and I'm happy to give you my 2 cents worth.


I just got back into this after six years, didn't realize how much I missed it until I landed my amphibian on lake Tahoe (I'm working my way back up to the heavies ;) but really more of my interest is in low and slow but variety is nice...I'm about to try out a free DC2 and DC3 I did enjoy the 747-400 too though...one thing though FS9 aircraft can be trouble in FSX and especially P3D see my post about the Caravan amphibian and there are limits to what


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My own personal opinion is stay away from any company that builds PC's for the general market. I don't know if it's the case today but years ago it was very difficult to upgrade Dell PC's because off the shelf parts like graphics cards. memory etc wouldn't fit the Dell motherboards.


I've just had a decent PC built by a UK company called Overclockers. I'm running FS9 with loads of airport add ons, Aircraft, Active Sky weather, Flight and Ground Environment etc etc at a steady 39fps (Locked at 40). It cost me about £780.


If there isn't anything like this where you are, look at the many threads on PC spec and spec your own. Once you've bought the parts, look in local newspapers for people who build PC's, ask friends for personal recommendations.


I'm really happy with my rig and hope you find something soon.

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Modern Dell computers no longer use the hard-to-upgrade BTX form factor. I'm running a Dell OptiPlex 990 with a replacement power supply, dual-slot NVidia 770 card, room for more RAM, all easy to upgrade now. But Dell BIOS for the Opti's has no overclocking options, but I'm pleased with its performance in FSX which I'd rate Good, maybe not Great, in dense scenery and complex weather.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hello, I am going to go with a x99 pre-bulid computer my questions is what should I buy as I have 1600.00 to spend. I want to get some thing that I can use for 2 to 3 years and run fsx9 and others. any insight would be helpful thanks nick
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