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Advice on a joystick to get me by.

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My beloved CH pro-pedals have died and I don't have the money to replace them right now. Could someone recommend a joystick in the 50-100 dollar range with a twist handle to get me by until I can get a proper CH yoke and pedals.


Years ago I had a Logitech Digital Wingman Extreme, no twist, that was a very good joystick. I had to put it out to pasture because they quit putting game ports on computers. People have told me that the new one is not as good and to stay far away from the Saitek Aviator. Any suggestions to options? Anybody have a newer Logitech that knows their quality?

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I asked this in another forum a few months back and most people seemed to love the Logitech Extreme 3d Pro even over those costing a bit more. I tried it and found it worked fine but was way too stiff for me causing my wrists to hurt after a few minutes but maybe I just got a bad one. My advice would be to buy one from Amazon and if you don't like it send it back in 30 day period.
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