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FS2020 Baron G58 behavior

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Simple curiosity question (New to the forum, I have been a long time Simulator user (FSX and now FS2020) and a long time ago was a real life private pilot).

When you drop the landing gear on the Baron there does not seem to be any additional drag and any need to crank up the throttle and the elevator to keep speed and level.

Does not seem very realistic and suppose it's not the case on a real life Baron ?? A bug ??

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I don't know about in FS2020, but in real life there is, indeed, a huge amount of drag when the gear is down (and in transit). It's very similar to a Bonanza in that respect. Sounds like a poor flight model, at least that part.


Larry N.

As Skylab would say:

Remember: Aviation is NOT an exact Science!

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I just set up a flight in the Baron at 2000 feet MSL, 150 KIAS, autopilot ON holding altitude and heading.


On dropping the gear there was immediate drop in airspeed to 148 then slowly dropped off and settled at 145 kts in maybe 15-20 seconds. It seems like there should be more drag than that.

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Yes, if you were level and stabilized at 150 KIAS, then it probably should have dropped to more like 135 KIAS, as a guess (I don't have a real one to test it with, and it's been years since I flew one), once you dropped the gear, perhaps a bit more. And the speed reduction should be more abrupt. In any case you really feel the deceleration.


After writing the above, I found this snippet on a search (discussing Bonanza I think- Baron is similar), but couldn't find more without registering on another forum for Beechcraft:


Now extend the landing gear (leaving the flaps up). Let the airspeed stabilize and record the value. You'll probably lose 15-20 knots from landing gear drag. Retract the gear and accelerate to the original, clean configuration speed (add some power to speed up the process, then reduce power to your original target value).


This was apparently in a discussion of whether to retract gear or flaps first on a go-around.


You might note that reducing the throttle(s) to idle also adds a LOT of drag, effectively making the propeller(s) into big barn doors as the pitch goes flat. In real life doing this needs a lot of care to avoid shock cooling the engine(s)


Larry N.

As Skylab would say:

Remember: Aviation is NOT an exact Science!

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I just set up a flight in the Baron at 2000 feet MSL, 150 KIAS, autopilot ON holding altitude and heading.


On dropping the gear there was immediate drop in airspeed to 148 then slowly dropped off and settled at 145 kts in maybe 15-20 seconds. It seems like there should be more drag than that.


Thanks all for your input. So you seem to agree with me it's a bug in the flight model. Should I report it to MS in your opinion ?


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