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Hobart, tasmania scenery

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Greetings. I am running MSFS2020 with ultra settings. Is the scenery supposed to be as in real life or is it just auto generated buildings and objects. I ask because the Tasman Bridge appears with the correct shape but it has a black textured wall from the roadway down to the water. Youtube videos show the same anomaly. The bridgewater bridge is nothing like the real thing. Mount wellington did not have any trees on the top the last time I was there. There is not a tree in the water near Battery Point etc, etc. Am I expecting too much. Does anyone know if there are going to be any photo realistic scenery for hobart in the future.
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Greetings. I am running MSFS2020 with ultra settings. Is the scenery supposed to be as in real life or is it just auto generated buildings and objects. I ask because the Tasman Bridge appears with the correct shape but it has a black textured wall from the roadway down to the water. Youtube videos show the same anomaly. The bridgewater bridge is nothing like the real thing. Mount wellington did not have any trees on the top the last time I was there. There is not a tree in the water near Battery Point etc, etc. Am I expecting too much. Does anyone know if there are going to be any photo realistic scenery for hobart in the future.


Yes, you are expecting too much at this point in time. Hobart is a great place (I have visited there), but there are thousands of small cities and towns on the planet that have not yet been rendered in detail, and it will take a while before they are. Meanwhile, appreciate the fact that all the buildings in Hobart and everywhere else are in their proper places and with the correct footprints -- you won't find this in any other sim. As for the bridges, this is a general problem in MSFS that is (I believe) in the process of being fixed. MSFS is a fantastic achievement -- enjoy it for what it is now, and look forward to what it will be.

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There are certainly issues with scenery in different parts of the world that Asobo and Microsoft are slowly fixing, including the issue with bridges. In the mean time you can keep an eye on the file library here and over at Flightsim.to as there are many, many add-ons already available, with more being created all the time.


Here's a couple for Hobart, for example.



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