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Garmin GPS500 . Can this be done?


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I'm relatively new to the GPS navigation having got the basics, (just). I can make a flight plan in FSX and use the GPS going from waypoint to waypoint.

However, I tried something that didn't work.. Before GPS if I wanted to "shorten" the flight, I would go to World, then Map, then move the plane symbol along the flight plan line to near the destination airport. Then I went back into flying and carried on ok. If using fs Commander, then that picked up the new position, but the Garmin 500 GPS doesn't, I.e it still has me going to the waypoint that I have in fact passed.

How do I set the next waypoint to be the one it should be in view of my "new" position?

I figured it should be a case of me setting the relevant waypoint somehow. I did find too that when I went to type in a new waypoint ( I didn't know exactly what I did to bring that up, mind😊), nothing happened when I typed on the keyboard?

Step by step assistance would be highly appreciated please, if possible. Or a relevant article.


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I'm relatively new to the GPS navigation having got the basics, (just). I can make a flight plan in FSX and use the GPS going from waypoint to waypoint.

However, I tried something that didn't work.. Before GPS if I wanted to "shorten" the flight, I would go to World, then Map, then move the plane symbol along the flight plan line to near the destination airport. Then I went back into flying and carried on ok. If using fs Commander, then that picked up the new position, but the Garmin 500 GPS doesn't, I.e it still has me going to the waypoint that I have in fact passed.

How do I set the next waypoint to be the one it should be in view of my "new" position?

I figured it should be a case of me setting the relevant waypoint somehow. I did find too that when I went to type in a new waypoint ( I didn't know exactly what I did to bring that up, mind😊), nothing happened when I typed on the keyboard?

Step by step assistance would be highly appreciated please, if possible. Or a relevant article.




I did not know one could move the plane symbol with the Map. I will have to fiddle with that some.


The GPS thinks in terms of legs. The start and end points of a leg are waypoints. It is true, if the active leg is not completed, it will wait there for you. It is not a malfunction. It is waiting for you to finish whatever detour you embarked on and return to complete the flight plan (as filed).

In the case you described, your intent was to continue to the same destination you originally declared. In that case, you should tell the GPS to activate the nearest leg you can locate in the vicinity of your new location. Push the Flight Plan button on the GPS. The active leg you did not complete will be highlighted. Scroll down and highlight the end waypoint of the leg where you want to start following the flight plan again. Push the Enter button. It will ask you to confirm that you want to fly that leg. Say Yes. the new leg will change color, and is now the active leg. Engage the GPS as the input to the Autopilot if you like, and the plane will compute an appropriate vector to the new leg.


That was all from memory so I may have gotten the button names wrong. Like there is no button named Flight Plan, its FLT, or FLP or something like that. And I did not tell you how to scroll up and down in the flight plan list - but you can figure all that out.

And by the way, the GPS will keep waiting for that leg until you load a new Flight Plan. Including if you have ended the flight (the one with the magic jump) and started another flight. If your new flight does not involve loading a flight plan, the GPS will still be waiting for you to finish that leg.


So tell me about FS Commander. I was thinking of buying that. But, I could not get a straight answer from Aerosoft on whether FS commander could generate a flight plan that will load into the AIRBUS flight computer, which is what I would use it for.

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