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Are there ANY General Aviation Training flight tutorials which work correctly.

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I found the other day that the Attitudes & Instruments Training Flight training has a bug (also identified in the latest update).

So I 'move on' to the Take-Off & Level Flight tutorial.


Firstly I move the 152 onto the runway and stop between the piano keys and the runway number and take off. At around 40 kts the trainer advises -

"We're a bit too far down the runway. Let me move the aircraft back into position" and the tutorial restarts with the 152 positioned slightly further down the runway than the runway number - STRANGE it is further down the runway than when I first started!

I take off and no 'complaints' that "we're too far down the runway".

I restart the entire tutorial and taxi onto runway and position the 152 EXACTLY where the trainer repositioned me earlier. I take off - SAME problem "We're too far down the runway..."

Second problem. When the tutorial starts it shows a diagram with the 'flight path' drawn from take off the climb with 55kts at take off and 75kts during climb.


I start again with same problem as above but when repositioned I can take off (which I do at just over 60kts) and then climb at around 88kts (above 75 in the diagram) when I get my 'beloved' trainer tell me -

"Not moving fast enough We will have to abort take off" and the whole session restarts on the ground". Wow I was doing 60 kts at take off more than what the diagram showed (ie 55kts) and was climbing at nearly 90 kts which faster than the diagram shows for the climb speed (ie 75kts).


I don't like having to restart for no apparent reason.


Is this another BUG or am I doing something wrong?


A few months ago I found that creating a manual cache caused FS2020 CTD (now supposedly corrected in the latest release), now two training sessions seem to have bugs.


I am loosing patience with FS2020. Are there any training session which work?


Why don't 'they' concentrate on fixing bugs rather than introduce new scenery, aircraft?


IT seems that this 'bug' goes back to September 2020 yet it is still a bug. Have a look at this report.


There is a Youtube video of this tutorial and the trainer 'talks' to the pilot advising him what to do "keep on centre line", "take off at 55" etc etc. I do NOT hear these instructions PLUS in the tutorial the author takes of exactly as I do (but on on the center line" at LESS than 55 and climbs at just over 60kts yet there is no 'reprimand' that we are moving fast enough. I give up!

Edited by jparnold
added link to same bug reported 6 months ago!


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I've never used the MSFS tutorials so I honestly can't speak to them. Sounds frustrating.


What I *have* used plenty of are the dozens of real pilots on YouTube who have taken the time to produce some pretty good training videos, using MSFS. Have you tried any of those? I'm mostly familiar with the C172 so I don't have C152 videos handy. But a quick search popped up some promising ones:



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Thanks neilends,


I looked at those tutorial via the licks you left and yes they are really good and coming from real pilots can be relied on for accuracy.


I do like 'hands on' tutorials though especially when the trainer tells you when you have done something wrong and also when they issue instructions.


Maybe I will have to just watch such tutorials and then try and emulate in FS2020 what they teach as the inbuilt tutorials are unusable.

Maybe the thing to do is to have 2 'sessions' open, one FS2020 and the other the Youtube tutorial video and switch between the two sessions pausing each before switching.

Edited by jparnold


Gigabyte Z390 UD Intel Core i7-9700K 3.60 Ghz Dual 16Gb DDR4 2666

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I tried the tutorial and it duplicated everything as you described. It repositioned me on the runway just as it did you. I climbed out at 75 knots and it said that I was not moving fast enough, although that speed, or 800 fpm, is what you are aiming at. I did these same tutorials last year when msfs2020 just came out and had no such problems. It looks as if this bug has developed sometime between then and now. It would be frustrating if you were trying to learn with them. Edited by nsproles

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Thanks nsproles


I am now wondering if ALL the tutorials have bugs!


Also if Microsoft/Asobo know about this and when we can expect a resolution.


Is there somewhere such bugs can be communicated with Microsoft/Asobo? Whinging about it to everyone else in this forum won't get it fixed.


Can we get some input from those in the know?


Gigabyte Z390 UD Intel Core i7-9700K 3.60 Ghz Dual 16Gb DDR4 2666

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You need to mention this on the official forums for Asobo to be aware of the problem. There's a Bugs & Issues section where the tutorials bug is already under discussion: https://forums.flightsimulator.com/c/bugs-and-issues/online-services/206

You can report this and any other faults to Zendesk here: https://flightsimulator.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

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Thanks Tim,


I have created a bug report as there didn't seem to be anything about this one.


I have also bookmarked those web sites for I feel that it may not be the last time I find a bug (found 3 so far).


Gigabyte Z390 UD Intel Core i7-9700K 3.60 Ghz Dual 16Gb DDR4 2666

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I am now wondering if ALL the tutorials have bugs!

As a matter of interest, I have just completed the 'First Solo Flight' without a problem. Worked well, so it seems as if not all tutorials are affected. Incidentally, I am working my way through FS Academy's IFR tutorials. I was pleasantly surprised at my increased ability to maintain altitude, speed and vertical speed when flying VFR as a result of my experience flying IFR. I still have a way to perfect my control of the aircraft in IFR, but the FS Academy tutorials have certainly built up my skill level.

Edited by nsproles

Windows 11, GeForce GTX 1660ti; 3.60 gigahertz AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core; Kingston SA2000M81000G SSD; 16 gb RAM; CH yoke; Saitek pedals; Three monitors; TrackIR 3.

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I have just completed the 'First Solo Flight' without a problem.

Thanks for the advice.

I have lodged a bug report with the zendesk and interestingly received a reply to advise they they have added it to the Development Team's Internal Bug Tracker!

BUT also -

In the meantime, we’ll submit this ticket as Solved and contact you if we need any additional Information!


Gigabyte Z390 UD Intel Core i7-9700K 3.60 Ghz Dual 16Gb DDR4 2666

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I found the other day that the Attitudes & Instruments Training Flight training has a bug (also identified in the latest update).

So I 'move on' to the Take-Off & Level Flight tutorial.


Firstly I move the 152 onto the runway and stop between the piano keys and the runway number and take off. At around 40 kts the trainer advises -

"We're a bit too far down the runway. Let me move the aircraft back into position" and the tutorial restarts with the 152 positioned slightly further down the runway than the runway number - STRANGE it is further down the runway than when I first started!

I take off and no 'complaints' that "we're too far down the runway".

I restart the entire tutorial and taxi onto runway and position the 152 EXACTLY where the trainer repositioned me earlier. I take off - SAME problem "We're too far down the runway..."

Second problem. When the tutorial starts it shows a diagram with the 'flight path' drawn from take off the climb with 55kts at take off and 75kts during climb.


I start again with same problem as above but when repositioned I can take off (which I do at just over 60kts) and then climb at around 88kts (above 75 in the diagram) when I get my 'beloved' trainer tell me -

"Not moving fast enough We will have to abort take off" and the whole session restarts on the ground". Wow I was doing 60 kts at take off more than what the diagram showed (ie 55kts) and was climbing at nearly 90 kts which faster than the diagram shows for the climb speed (ie 75kts).


I don't like having to restart for no apparent reason.


Is this another BUG or am I doing something wrong?


A few months ago I found that creating a manual cache caused FS2020 CTD (now supposedly corrected in the latest release), now two training sessions seem to have bugs.


I am loosing patience with FS2020. Are there any training session which work?


Why don't 'they' concentrate on fixing bugs rather than introduce new scenery, aircraft?


IT seems that this 'bug' goes back to September 2020 yet it is still a bug. Have a look at this report.


There is a Youtube video of this tutorial and the trainer 'talks' to the pilot advising him what to do "keep on centre line", "take off at 55" etc etc. I do NOT hear these instructions PLUS in the tutorial the author takes of exactly as I do (but on on the center line" at LESS than 55 and climbs at just over 60kts yet there is no 'reprimand' that we are moving fast enough. I give up!


JP, since you posted this I’ve tried this lesson 3 times without a problem. Because of the altitude my instinct was to hold the brakes while going to full throttle and that worked fine. I tried 2 more time with no brakes but first quickly to full throttle and then a bit slower application of throttle. Both of those worked fine all the way through level flight.


Do you want to try it again with brakes while going to full throttle and see what you get?

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Do you want to try it again with brakes while going to full throttle and see what you get?


I'll give anything a try again but wasn't expecting this would solve ANY of the problems.

NO it made NO difference which I expected.


HOWEVER I did notice displayed on the screen 'use joystick button 5'. I thought that I was pressing button 5 but in fact was using button 12 (change view button) and also the 'hat' switch to look left and right BOTH inside and outside the aircraft.

I tried pressing button 5 (Toggle Smart Camera) and WOW the trainers voice then advised "everything looks good, no cross traffic, go ahead and taxi into position" something she (trainer) has never told me before so obviously she was waiting for press of joystick button 5 (instead of just scanning using the 'hat' switch).

Anyway I moved onto the runway and lined up and she then instructed me to apply full throttle etc etc and I started to take off - same problem HOWEVER this time after I was re positioned and took off and was instructed to pull back (elevator) I was able to take off woth NOT the same error as I described before.


Now 'back to the drawing board' to try and figure out what is required so that I don't get "you are too far down the runway".

Edited by jparnold
complete rewrite


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Well it seems that there maybe not a bug in this tutorials as I have now been able to complete the tutorial without any issues.

For unknown reasons I have found that the trainer some times does not proceed with the next instruction so it appears to me that I have not successfully completed the previous instruction although I cannot understand why. Maybe I just need to keep trying eg when I am told to line up with the center line as sometimes it works and other times it doesn't even though I feel that I am lined up. The Youtube tutorial mentioned before shows that the 152 was far from being lined up with the center line yet the author was able to take off and the instructor then issues the next instruction regardless of the fact that the aircraft was far from being on the center line.


Oh well on to the next lesson (actually I will skip the next two as I completed those earlier - jumped ahead).


Gigabyte Z390 UD Intel Core i7-9700K 3.60 Ghz Dual 16Gb DDR4 2666

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Well it seems that there maybe not a bug in this tutorials as I have now been able to complete the tutorial without any issues.

For unknown reasons I have found that the trainer some times does not proceed with the next instruction so it appears to me that I have not successfully completed the previous instruction although I cannot understand why. Maybe I just need to keep trying eg when I am told to line up with the center line as sometimes it works and other times it doesn't even though I feel that I am lined up. The Youtube tutorial mentioned before shows that the 152 was far from being lined up with the center line yet the author was able to take off and the instructor then issues the next instruction regardless of the fact that the aircraft was far from being on the center line.


Oh well on to the next lesson (actually I will skip the next two as I completed those earlier - jumped ahead).


Glad you got through it JP. There are definitely some weird things in the sim currently.


Keep training!

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On further use of the 3rd training session I think perhaps if you don't have the throttle fully (100%) open there are 'problems' as I had the problem again earlier and can't remember if I pushed the throttle (on the joystick) 100% open and so ran it again and made sure it was at the limit of its 'travel' and then there were no problems. The instructor says to fully open the throttle and I think she means 100% open not even 99% is good enough. I will test this theory again later.


Gigabyte Z390 UD Intel Core i7-9700K 3.60 Ghz Dual 16Gb DDR4 2666

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  • 3 years later...

I know I'm really late to the party but I wanted to let you know that I am experiencing the same issue. Sometimes this happens and sometimes it doesn't.

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