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Sorry No FSX models for TDS737MAX7 V3 due of FS2020 unpermitted migration increase.


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1st I have to say sorry for this choice.

We released 737MAXV3 to the file library but it's only for FS2004 and P3DV4.


There is a clear reason for this so will explain.


I know there is nothing do with FSX people who is doing right.

This is due of lots of migration to FS2020 without any permissions.


Under the word of migrations now even a payware is not safe.

See under even a payware was migrated and sold .. what a mess.


This is what really happening at the MSFS2020 world.


And not only them we also saw our models without any permissions and even warned, they don't listen.

And I even saw a post offering $10per month plane sharing service. (Seems took down?)

Rebranding under the name of Migration too .

MSFS2020 market seems like a lot of illegal migration and guys trying to earn from those now.


We don't want to feed those guys.

What we want is a fair and healthy place where we can fly.


The Model file which can be used for Migration is only FSX MDL format.

Not FS2004 and P3DV2 P3DV4 format.

And we couldn't find any way to block loading to FS2020.

So unfortunately what we had to choose is no FSX models after this.

Unless the condition changes.


Then may feel why don't you make it for FS2020.


Simply it's not secured and safe.

MSFS2020 uses a open format , even Blender can open the model.

It looks nice for modders but no from us.

A more then a year work can be easily ripped off and can be modded and more then that.

Can be sold and modded and pretended as their products.

We can't accept those too.

Putting in a Microsoft Maket place won't be good since it's not a payware.

So we don't have any other choice.


Only way to change the situation is Microsoft/ASOBO to make a FSX Full upper compatibility to FS2020

Then no need of Migration.

And add a new secured Model format.

I think it's hopeless but without those , we can't make it.

Already I know several payware makers made a choice not to step in to FS2020 due of unsecured format.


Sorry but please understand the situations.

We also want to send out but situation is so bad , we can't.


Hiroshi Igami

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