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SDK Installation problem

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I'm trying to load up the SDK but not having any success.


From within FS2020 I have enabled Developer Mode, clicked on Download and have a .msi file of over 1GB in my Downloads folder.


When I open this file I get asked to tick the T&Cs box, get shown a menu box of what components will be installed and then when I click on Install, I keep on getting a pop-up telling me that an installation is already underway and that it needs to complete that one before running another one??


Have to say that when I initially click 'open' on the file MSFS_SDK_Installer_0.6.1.0.msi, it does look as though there is a double action taking place as the 'Welcome to the Microsoft Flight Simulator SDK Setup Wizard' appears. But it happens very quickly indeed and so I might be imagining this double action.


Any thoughts on this, please?



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