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The ghost of the year : RAZBAM A-7 Corsair II TacPack Edition!


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I am very disappointed by the after sales service of RAZBAM. I bought the A-7 Tacpack the December 19, I always wait at least the beta version. It is impossible to get a response from anyone in the company & I do not know what to do. I hope that this add-on is not a chimera, and that it will emerge one day. In addition, on the OSCommerce website (Razbam) , it is absolutely not said that this product is a pre-order version and not yet available. Although the collection was done via PayPal from 19 December.


That's a lot of things that displease me, not very funky... Razbam seems to have a huge communication problem and does not respect its customers. I can only deplore and I have the unpleasant feeling of being trapped.



Ciao Viva & Have Fun !


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-no beta of this anywhere.

(-only find your identical post on simouthouse.)

-beta's are usually free.

-beta's are never guaranteed to work.

-you won't get support with beta versions.

-ghost plane, what's that??

I do come across many satisfied users, no mention of beta.

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I said at "least" a Beta version...because I was not aware of this Beta version until I received an email from Mr R.Zambrano following my request for an explanation. Here, original:


Hi Eric:

The Tac pack A-7 has not been released, you pre ordered it, at a discounted price of usd30, once it´s released, the price will be usd40.00

In the coming week (well, after Christmas) we´ll update the downloads so you can have a beta version and so on until final version is ready.

Best regards

Ron C. Zambrano M



We are late February and still nothing downloadable. Allow me to be surprised!

So there is a problem, and this for all customers who have purchased this product. The Razbam sale website doesn't talk about "beta" or "pre-order" anywhere, follow the link, so there was deception. That is undeniable.

And Why a ghost plane?

How do you call a product you purchased and that does not exist?

The download link does not work and has never worked. Simply because the product does not exist or is not finished. That's just what I want to know. But they do not respond!

If it's not a ghost, what is it?


Then it is obvious that I will not make a disease. These are just $ 30 and there are more important things in life, we agree. If I was trapped, too bad for me, but at least let it be lessons to others. Razbam is no more unreliable.

Ciao Viva & Have Fun !


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  • 4 weeks later...

Glad to hear.


In my previous post I mentioned satisfied users. Sorry, I was wrong, that was a slightly different aircraft. (very similar names).


Looks to me like they wanted to launch this as a "tackpack version> (the other corsairs had no tackpack).

And instead they have now added tackpack to the other corsairs.


But again, good to hear it all turned out alright in the end.:cool:

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