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Thinking Ahead for New Add On Aircraft

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Since this one is almost finished for another piece of Software I use, would the community be interested in an aircraft that behaves pretty much like a VTOL flyer, and high rates of speed and even have orbit capability? This is it: TR3B Black Triangle, Rumored NOT to exist, but do through many eyewitnesses.


It can easily be converted over from the platform now to Flight Simulator




I would have done a poll, but not sure how to on this board....

Thermaltake Ryzen Gen 9 3900x 12 cores, 4.6 ghz 32 gig of Ram, Liquid Cooled Everything.
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to post a poll you click in Post New Thread and at the end of the page there is an option Post a Poll with number of options (Yes, No, Dont Know, etc)


personally I dont think there`s interest. This is a Flight Simulator where we like to "simulate" existing planes in the forces of nature and gravity with its limits.


But because its a computer program, you can actually fly anything you want if you configure the model settings enough power, rate of climb, speed, etc. Meaning its all FAKE, you can make a shoebox fly if you configure it correctly, or a chair, or your home fridge.

Edited by Kapitan


Anything I say is...not as serious as you think

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Thanks for the info on the Poll - however, I say "Fake" because its technically deemed non existant, but here's a link from Miliatry.com that looks pretty real to me. :o



Thermaltake Ryzen Gen 9 3900x 12 cores, 4.6 ghz 32 gig of Ram, Liquid Cooled Everything.
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Nothing wrong with fake planes at all.

Please do not marginalize or try to police those simmers who want to have fun. We do not need to be policed about what we want to fly. Many other Flight Sims have cars, boats, a bus or 2, racing cars, aircraft carriers & battleships.

Please do not tell mus that only REAL planes count, & those that do not abide by your thoughts, are somehow lesser simmers.


A REAL sim developer said that simming as all about Fact, Fun & Fiction.. That what we, real simmers want..


Cape Town, South Africa

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If you can make it, I'm sure someone will (try to) fly it. But incidentally, does MSFS have an altitude ceiling?


I've seen someone get the Citation CJ4 up to 68,000 feet, so not sure - interesting question to test!

Thermaltake Ryzen Gen 9 3900x 12 cores, 4.6 ghz 32 gig of Ram, Liquid Cooled Everything.
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As I said... you can make anything flyable


The File Library has many UFOs, spaceships, flying cars, flying bathtubs, just explore the library, they were done for Fs2002, Fs9 and Fsx.


How many will grab it...Thats what I meant by "i dont think"

Im being honest, not trying to please you.


In the sim world even the Icon A5 is popular with owners in real life, in the sim its of less value.


And in future...if/when planets and space is simulated, I would love a Han Solo style Star War ship to explore the moons of Saturn.


Go ahead...try it


Anything I say is...not as serious as you think

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