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Don't hear the NAV radio

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In the Cessna 152 after I enter the correct VOR frequency in the NAV standby I hit the swap standby with active button but don't hear anything. How do I hear the morse code? I pushed the identify button and the volume is up but not hearing anything. I'm a newbie so please go easy on me :).
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OK so, I LOVE steam guage aircraft and decided to mess with IFR in the 152.

I noticed that NAV 1 and NAV 2 radios are not working.

No TO FRM no audible Indication. Was flying for a good 10 to 15 minutes within range of a couple and none working.

Is there a fix??

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OK so, I LOVE steam guage aircraft and decided to mess with IFR in the 152.

I noticed that NAV 1 and NAV 2 radios are not working.

No TO FRM no audible Indication. Was flying for a good 10 to 15 minutes within range of a couple and none working.

Is there a fix??


It seems to work for me. I tried the 152 (not Aerobat) from KSJC (114.10) to KSFO (115.80). Both VORs were audible and showed correct tracking of the radials.

For audio, I had to rotate the small "Ident" knob to increase the volume and I think it also didn't come on until I pushed the NAV1 / NAV2 buttons at the top of the stack.


Give that a try.

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It seems to work for me. I tried the 152 (not Aerobat) from KSJC (114.10) to KSFO (115.80). Both VORs were audible and showed correct tracking of the radials.

For audio, I had to rotate the small "Ident" knob to increase the volume and I think it also didn't come on until I pushed the NAV1 / NAV2 buttons at the top of the stack.


Give that a try.


I never noticed the issue before. Also I noticed in the glass cockpit of the 172 nav2 wasn't even changing digits and then later it was working.

Maybe a glitch. I'll test again during the day. Maybe was affecting the 152 as well - whatever it was

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until I pushed the NAV1 / NAV2 buttons at the top of the stack.

Yes, the audio panel has to have the radios connected to the speaker or headphones to hear them, in addition to the IDENT for the nav radios, though not for the nav radios to operate, only to hear them.


Larry N.

As Skylab would say:

Remember: Aviation is NOT an exact Science!

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