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First impressions from a pre 1982 flight simmer.

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Anyone remember Solo Flight ?

The 16 hour download time was a shock.

It's different. I have got used to the FS keyboard shortcuts over 40 years. None of that works here. FS2020 cleverly recognized my Saitek X52 HOTAS system, but none of the button assignments it told me work. So I haven't really had a clue what I'm doing. I crashed a lot, which is unusual for me in a Microsoft Flight sim. It's been hard work getting a working flight off the ground and stable. I have only flown the Dahar? Dagar? single engined turboprop. It's a stupid plane. Even when barrelling down the runway at 140 knots you can do Formula 1 type turns in it. It seems to have no mass. And it does crazy unexpected things in the air. The elevator trim seems to want to suddenly set itself to extremes, 80% up or 80% down without warning. I have no doubt this will be rectified. Oh and I have flown the Citation Longitude, but can't figure out how to get the auto throttle to work. What does the VNAV button do ?

BUT jeez does it look good.

I have Win 10 64-bit. i7-3770. 16Mb RAM. and a GTX 670.

And it runs smoother than FSX. Honestly.

It's like the incredibly expensive photo realistic scenery we used to buy like MegaScenery £80 for just Southern California. and now it's been employed to the entire world. The entire World. I flew to Goole. Reeds Island was on there. I am embarking on a journey round the world in the Citation Longitude. From Leeds. Can't wait to see what Nepal and Tibet look like. And Mongolia. And the Andes. And Rome. Mongolia will be interesting. IN FSX there was just nothing in Mongolia. But I reckon this there may be the odd hut. I flew over Catalina island tonight. In FSX there was nothing there. Just a barren landscape, But in 2020 there were villages and harbours full of yachts. And traffic MOVES on the roads ! All incredibly detailed. All clever stuff. In love. Not going to bed for several days. Getting used to a virtual cockpit. (I bloody knew it would have to come). This makes it come.

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Hi John, you want to check out Dubai & the Burj Kalifa. Quite impressive.

But then we’ve got the whole world to visit now :)




Intel I9-13900K - Gigabyte Z790 Aorus Elite AX - 64Gb DDR5 5600Mhz - Asus RTX4090 ROG STRIX 24GB

3x 43” Panasonic 4k TVs - Corsair RMx 1200W PSU - 2 x 2TB M.2,  2 x 4TB SATA III and 1 x 4TB M.2 SSDs.

Pico 4  VR Headset - Honeycomb Alpha Yoke - Honeycomb Bravo Throttle Unit

Thrustmaster TPR Rudder Pedals - Saitek Throttles

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Ha, don't get me started on that dang elevator trim...

It's like you so much as look at the darn thing on most aircraft, next thing your hurtling towards the ground uncontrollably or flinging yourself up into the heavens at near rocket speed!


To say trim requires a light touch is an understatement.


But, yes, this sim sure is pretty! :cool:

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If there aren't any 2D cockpits I will have to pass on this new FS.


My guess is that you never will be flying in a new flight simulator from now on...

Of course nowadays only 3D is being used.


In the past I disliked 3D/VC panels as well, but learned to like them.

It's all about designing custom cockpit views. If you like, you easily can mimic 2D panels in a VC, by zooming in and place your camera viewpoint accordingly

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Well I cut my flight sim teeth on A320 Airbus for the Amiga so a relative "youngling".


FS2020 gives us the sort of scenery we could only have dreamed of back then. I flew from Swindon to Southampton last night in the microlight and that alone would probably have required £100's worth of VFR scenery to get the same effect.


I'm not for one minute denying or belittling those who are having issues and many parts of the product feel like it should have been offered as early access. Steam forums in particular are full of either furloughed RL pilots who thought a £60 sim would offer study level flight and the kiddies who thought they could crash planes for two hours then get a refund - wrong on both counts!


Much work is needed from Asobo and MS to prioritise and iron out the wrinkles and we eagerly awit to see what PMDG et al can do with the new game engine.


However there is massive potential here and I'm already contemplating getting a world tour under way.

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So is this the same as with FS9/FSX on their release?

A promising platform for addons but with mediocre default content?


In terms of the aircraft, most emphatically yes.


However scenery wise, you are pretty much set with the default using the streamed mapping data.

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I'm one of those who have chosen to wait a few days and scan these forum threads for 'how-to-fixit' snippets rather than joining the crowd floundering about trying to make it work.


Lots is being invested in the hope that MS and Asabo will fix all these little annoyances. Do people remember how we all felt, not long after FSX came out, when MS washed its hands of the product and it became increasingly difficult to find anyone who could explain,let alone fix some of the deeper issues? But let's keep optimistic. In a few days I'll take the plunge. My 12-yr old grandson wants to see the 'fantastic new version of Flightsim on Grandpa's computer' and resume his flying lessons!

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We train simmers had the same with MSTS.


A 3/4 baked product that had loads of issues and received one half hearted patch that fixed a miniscule number. Default heavy freight locos with the performance of a sports car, routes with unrealistic gradients and a major snafu that derailed your train if more than 6 miles between a junction or points.


Let's just hope MS and Asobo are indeed in this for the long haul.

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Hi bam1220. See it before you dismiss it.


No way. I'm not paying good money for something I now know I will not like. Again I hate VC's. I'll be staying with FS9 and all of my addons. I don't care how good the scenery looks. If there are no 2D panels I will stay with what I have. Thank you for answering my question.

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I started fly with Bruce Artwicks original Flight Sim back in 83? Floppy disk drive with a monochrome screen. I was a hot shot pilot back then and I remember thinking this is pretty cool. Fast forward amost 40 years, and the technology just keeps getting better and better. But after reading the issues that people are having with FS2020, I think I will wait until the bugs get worked out. Good luck everyone and enjoy your new adventure.
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