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Saitek X52 Pro vs. X55

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i'm retiring my old X52, i like it but its getting a bit worn out, sticking and a bit random on the stick axis. i bought it used and i think it was already very well used when i got it.


i can't afford a warthog, so i guess my choices are X52 Pro or X55 which are both the same price.


I don't care about the dual throttle and extra buttons and springs on the X55 and I love the soft spring and comfortable ergonomics of the X52, so i'm leaning towards the X52 pro even though the X55 is an 'upgrade'


i've also read a lot of mixed reviews about the X55 build quality.


so before i drop down 200 bucks on an X52 pro, could anyone convince me i should be buying something else?


by the way, my main interest is aerobatics, so i need smooth, high precision and reliability. Saitek make a big deal about the 16 bit hall effect sensors on the stick axis on the X55 but i read that the 52pro (and even the warthog) have the same sensors anyhow.


Oh, and one other thing, i guess i could cannibalize my old X52 for parts it the pro ever breaks down.

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