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MACH 1 Sky Harbor 2020 gray ground

liner simpilot

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Hi everyone in Flt sim, hope all is well with this virus. I installed the Mach 1 Sky Harbor scenery per readme file. I had Sky Harbor 2019 per there instructions, I have had their Sky Harbor 2019 already, but the ground textures were grayish ground out skirt of airport see pic included. I see that they had update from 2019 now 2020 adding more candy look more real. I followed the readme file copied over scenery file & texture file in hopes to correct the ground textures as well. I have the new added, but the ground is still gray looking. I even removed inside FS9 and reinstalled just in case issues, I am confused, they said in there instructions refer to facebook for questions, I do not use Facebook, that is why I am here on this site in hopes to see what is wrong.


Many thanks


MACH 1 PHX Sky Harbor scenery.jpg

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It looks like the textures are either not activating or they weren't added to the add-on airport folder that is active.


I'd have to load it up myself and see.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

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Thanks crj_simpilot, I appreciate you looking into this. I have uploaded many airports thru the years, nothing like this has happened. I copied all their files installed right locations using add scenery, like always. closed flt sim rebooted it and it went thru the bars set plane up and you see results in pic



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I'd have to download those files and see what the issue is. This may be a while before I get around to it. But on the surface it looks texture related. Like a misplaced BGL or something. Could even be the textures themselves.




Well scratch that. I don't have FS2004 installed anymore. I do have its backup, but I'm not in the mood to reinstall FS2004 at all right now.

Edited by CRJ_simpilot

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

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Okay, couple of questions. Did you place the optional textures in the Flight Simulator 9\Scenery\Cities\Phoenix\texture folder? This folder is in the cities folder of your main Sim. Not in the add-on folder.


Also, did you download the update for the new hanger for American and add all seven textures to the texture folder in the Sky Harbor folder under your add-on folder?

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

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Thanks again for responding. To answer your questions, yes to all. I put the extra textures in the texture folder, added installed the American Airlines & Southwest hangers. they appear right, just the gray textures. I even wrote the guy who created this update, he says any questions or comments please email mail. Ii did a week or more ago, never responded.



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I agree, I am very confused. I have never in all the years of downloading scenery & aircraft never seen anything like this. I am not sure if it was the designers scenery look. When I downloaded his Skyharbor 2019, it was great ground, then I downloaded his newest the American Airlines & SWA buildings all good. I saw an update to his 2020, I downloaded that then the ground got all gray. Strange. I appreciate your responses to help me. I guess I will live with it.


Again again,


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Hello again, much appreciative here is a screenshot of the download info. I hope this helps. I downloaded the original Sky Harbor 2019 zip, Then there is the KPHX_2019_UPDATE.ZIP, I downloaded this one, now sfs-midg-phx2020 v1.zip. in hopes of correcting ground textures, because there are the usual pics in download showing right ground textures. Mine is still gray as you saw in previous pic. Not unless I am missing something



studio F Sky Harbor.jpg

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Try this once. Deactivate the current version you have now, copy/paste it somewhere for a backup and activate my version. https://app.box.com/s/09rlnkuu8j24xfr5cev2gwqwil5n63z5


Also, can you download and install Everything.exe and look for 003021000033311lm.bmp


What is its path location?



OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

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Thanks for responding, I clicked on the 2 links, tried to follow what you said. I am not too computer literate, upon looking at it I could not figure what to do. The top one could not open it, I don't understand why. Guess I will leave it the way it is. Again thanks



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Okay, I'll delete the download then. Can you at least install Everything.exe and check to see what path that bitmap is in? I want to make sure the bitmaps are in their right location.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

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