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Reduced graphics


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I was wondering if anyone here has had an issue with window 7/10,

Graphics, specifically with the (windows 7 color scheme has reverted to basic) this make the flight and viewing a lot less sharp, particularly blurry centerlines and circular shapes when flying fs9. The easiest discription is less anti aliasing.


Has anyone here had the same thing and if so how’d you fix it?



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It seems it is your monitor that has changed the colour not the sim.

Can you right click on your monitor and see Display settings or something similar, then change it.

You say in your first post you have Windows 7/10 so have you upgraded to 10 from 7 is that what you mean?



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Yes, I use Windows 7 and it does this to me in FSX. It never before, but now it does all the time. Though, I don't think I have an image quality issue in the Sim when the display goes to basic classic mode and back to normal when I exit the Sim.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

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Hi Aaron, Yes mine did this when I let the sim re-write the FSX.cfg, the main opening screen went very big with low level graphics, once I changed it back it was OK again, but the OP mentions his Windows 7 colour scheme reverted back to basic so that was what made me think it wasn't the sim but the monitor settings.



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I was wondering if anyone here has had an issue with window 7/10,

Graphics, specifically with the (windows 7 color scheme has reverted to basic) this make the flight and viewing a lot less sharp, particularly blurry centerlines and circular shapes when flying fs9. The easiest discription is less anti aliasing.


Has anyone here had the same thing and if so how’d you fix it?




This occcurs occasionally on my system also. I recognize it immediately when I boot the system. I then right click on the screen and open nVidia Control Panel. There is one page in that which returns the display to my preferences.

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