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Looking For a Specific Help (htm) File


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I remember reading somewhere in the help section what the different icons meant for airports; i.e. why some are red or blue, some are empty circles, some are filled in circles, some have crosses, etc.


I've looked in the index and opened all the files associated with maps and airports and can't find the info I'm looking for. Which begs the rhetorical question, why does FS9's Help function suck?


Anyway, does anyone know where I can find the file with this info? I want to make a copy of that file and paste it in a folder for all the documents I use related to FS, ADE, etc (I even have a Pilots Operating Handbooks for the Cessna 208).

If the pilot's good, see, I mean, if he's really sharp, he can barrel that baby in so low... hee hee. Oh, you ought to see it sometime, it's a sight. A big plane like a 52 - vrooom! Ha! Its jet exhaust frying chickens in the barnyard! Ha ha! - Gen Buck Turgidson
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Just do a web search for


section chart legend


Look in the part for Airports. Magenta - no tower, blue - tower. Open circle - no hard runway(s), filled circle - hard runway(s). Runway layout instead of circle - multiple runways or a runway longer than 8066 ft.


Hope this helps,

Tom Gibson


CalClassic Propliner Page: http://www.calclassic.com

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