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Flight Sim PC Specialists Win 7?

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Hello all,


I've been told these Flight Sim specialists like ChillBlast, PCspecialist etc are expensive though very good and handles resource hungry payware aircraft with good frames.


I've had a look and even a £1,000 budget would work for me, however even just browsing at options, the only thing is Windows 10 is a standard. Now I know there is a 'No OS' option which is fine, but for some of the specs, is my Windows 7 Home Premium going to be fine? I get on with this OS very well, and from what I've heard about 10 I'd rather not touch it with a bargepole if I can help it.



Any help appreciated!



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Windows 7 support ends early next year for consumers. Businesses and big organizations can subscribe to extended support over next 3 years, paying more each year you hang on to Win 7. But that option's only available for corporate/academic licensees.


Don't believe everything you heard about Windows 10. It's got its own quirks, sure, but people always complain and rail every time a new operating system arrives - and as you are probably showing in your post: people hate change.

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Windows 10 really is an abomination and this is not "fear of change" crap. I'm a member of more than on tech forum and have seen my fair share of Win 10 BS help topics and I just shake my head. I also see a fair amount of traffic going to my topic on my own forum about why Win 10 is a POS. Having said that, the OS can be controlled with its use of telemetry and update madness crap, but it takes effort. First, you need a nettop and run the Pfsense firewall then block all of M$'s ASNs. Then you need this and monitor what goes out and block that too if it isn't some program you have. You use Wireshark. I'd also customize the Win 10 ISO to strip it of all the crap and run one of these programs. If you need M$ for something, you fire up your non-five eyes jurisdiction VPN using VPN.AC or ProtonVPN.


Anyway, the issue you may have if you chose to try and use Win 7 on new hardware is the lack of supported drivers for that OS. You can continue to run 7 if you build your own PC by finding a 300 series chipset motherboard with Win 7 drivers.


Now this fallacy about being "vulnerable" due to lack of updates is exactly that. I run a pretty tight ship, but I have maybe four updates installed only for hardware and software requirements. Plus, I have a netbook running XP SP3 that runs 24/7 as a local FTP server who's storage is a SD card. No "hacking" or malware to speak of. And I run scanning programs most never even heard of like, Sanity Check, Herdprotect portable, Ring3 Hook scanner, Stream Armor, and many others. Nothing ever found. I even use the now free Sandboxie for my browser and scan ALL, ALL downloads at virus total. I don't even run an anti-virus.


If you want, I can put together a parts lists from PCPartpicker, you buy the parts and have a good, reputable (emphasis on good and reputable.) PC shop build it. I'll make sure the hardware is Win 7 capable.


With FSX, it's largely a CPU orientated game, and single threaded at that. So you want a CPU with fast, single thread capability.


Now for me, I may go Win 10 next year on a second HDD and do everything I mentioned to use the new Sim coming out simply called at this time Flight Simulator. But, it uses Microsoft's cloud so I have to limit what ASNs/IPs I block.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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Also, what must not be forgotten, that if you have a new PC With Windows 10, & you install an obsolete operating system, you WILL have driver issues, that the new hardware will not recognize.


Having said that, over the years, I've upgraded from both Windows 7 & 8.1 to Windows 10, with never an issue, apart from updating a W7 graphics driver, & my current PC has all the updates.


Cape Town, South Africa

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Windows 10 and FSX Gold on my rig, lots of add-ons. Zero problems. I think I had to reset my NVidia Inspector profile for FSX once after a Win10 build update, an unwanted side effect that I fixed in a few minutes. Other than that minor annoyance, as I said, zero problems. At work, thousands of pc's running well on Win10. All software has a life cycle, and so does Windows 7.
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You can get a pretty cheap Windows 10 license if you really want. Microsoft could care less. I would do a clean install though. There's no getting away from the security issues Win 7 will be facing soon. Plus Windows 10, particularly with it's recent updates, allows for a lot of user customization. And it definitely boots faster than 7 and games in general tend to perform better on it.
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