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How to edit bgl to add color circles on the sky and pylons for air race?


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I downloaded "lgik_ikaria" for air race and found it amazing to have some virtual circles and rectangles with different colours on the sky. I really like them and would like to add similar circles on the sky of Hong Kong, in order to create an online air race course for flightsim students.


"lgik_ikaria": https://library.avsim.net/download.php?DLID=119027






Only one bgl file is in the scenery folder. I have been playing FSX for a long time but have no scenery editing knowledge. Is it difficult to just add some circles on the sky? Do I need to use Airport Design Editor? I tried to use Bgl2Xml 160 to convert the bgl to xml but it failed.

Is it just as simple as changing latitude and longitude of those circles?






I also find a mission like this : hoovrace - https://flyawaysimulation.com/downloads/files/1621/fsx-mission-hoover-dam-air-race/

but Strangely I could not see any rectangles after loading into the mission. Is it possible to make a rectangle flight path under mission format for online FS competition? Is this more difficult or unstable?






If it is not too hard, I would also like to add some pylons to create aerobatic courses.


Pylons like these - https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/fslib.php?searchid=73219769&page=5




Please help and give me some insights. Thanks a lot~~

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