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ASN, bad weather effect on the aircraft.


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Oh, and your problem in the original post, it sounds like you were needing to perform a manual crosswind approach into the airport. The weather, though not ideal, is still landable. Your first 2 runs, you made the right choice in going around, as long as you also made note of the conditions needed to land. Round three would have been the final approach with a crosswind

1+1=cow :p

"WE jumped out a WINdow!" -Baymax (from Big Hero 6)

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What does this mean "5% control of the aircraft"?



Also consider most aircraft developers did not have ASN to test with and relied mostly on FSX's default weather behavior which is a LOT more primitive than what ASN provides. There is a risk and false expectation associated with ALL add-on aircraft behaving in ASN as they did in FSX default.




To explain my percentage analogy, let me see... normally when an aircraft does what you want it to do, we can say the aircraft does what you intend to do (100% response to your intentions). Here, during approach discussed, the aircraft's response to my intentions was only 5% (almost uncontrollable).


Yes, I thought that too, about the risk of incompatibility with ASN. But I have a hope there is a solution - many people have this aircraft and it seems to be popular, no complains heard.


I made few shots knowing I may have to post it.

#1. ILS hold, the weather was ok.

#2. Disengaged the AP and the mess began. See what it does? I wasn't able to control it with the yoke (the response was low), I had to use rudders and engine power.

Climbed to a higher altitude where control could be regained (as with that earlier EDDT flight, at higher altitudes you can control it although too difficult.

#3. Third pass with ASN off, see it is controllable now, it more or less responds to your inputs but not perfectly responsive. I think at this point of flight something is being screwed up in the software and shutting-off ASN doesn't cure the problem completely.


ok tonight I will repeat the same flight with ASN off from the start, let's see what happens.

I did have few successful flights when I bought this in December but I don't remember whether this was flown with ASN/AS2012 or not.

This airplane has a very small margin on top of the landing speed (about 120), few knots less and it stalls, few knots more and it won't descend! And that's under normal conditions.




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well sure...


"#2. Disengaged the AP and the mess began. See what it does? I wasn't able to control it with the yoke (the response was low), I had to use rudders and engine power.

Climbed to a higher altitude where control could be regained (as with that earlier EDDT flight, at higher altitudes you can control it although too difficult.

#3. Third pass with ASN off, see it is controllable now, it more or less responds to your inputs but not perfectly responsive. I think at this point of flight something is being screwed up in the software and shutting-off ASN doesn't cure the problem completely."


In pic 2 you are in turbulent weather. Results expected.


In pic 3 you shut off ASN. When you shut off ASN, it clears your weather to no clouds, no winds, and no turbulence. You got what's expected.


What's missing is the metar for the weather where the pic 2 was taken.



There is a program called Fraps which lets you take 30 second videos in the free demo version.


Still, when you are talking about weather in FSX, you cannot without providing metars which is like talking about cooking recipes without talking about ingredients.




2 carrot salad, 10.41 liter bucket, electric doorbell, 17 inch fan, 12X14, 85 Dbm
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Ok, flew this flight without ASN, no problems everything went normal.


One thing falls out of logic here:

you say in pic-2 I was in turbulent weather, but so I was in pic-1 with AP and APR mode on. Physically the wind/turbulence doesn't care whether the aircraft in in auto or manual mode. It does seem like ASN weather has an impact on it, but there is one more thing I must try - the sensitivity (it just turned apparent to me). When I first bought it I believed it is too sensitive so I lowered the values within the Dash-8 control manager, gotta bring it up and fly it with ASN again.

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"One thing falls out of logic here:

you say in pic-2 I was in turbulent weather, but so I was in pic-1 with AP and APR mode on."


ASN is dynamic and constantly changing. Even flying a few hundred feet can make a difference in the weather around your aircraft. Even passing in and out of a cloud makes a difference. There is BOTH CAT and Cloud induced turbulence.


You turn off ASN, your weather gets set to clear and there are no longer any dynamic weather influences on the aircraft.


It's NOT ASN's fault there is turbulence around your aircraft. If the turbulence is there in the real world, it's going to be there with ASN enabled.


Fish tank:

No filter or pumps or aerator is FSX with no dynamic weather. The only turbulence the fish have is caused by them swimming. This is your sim with no ASN.

Turn ASN on, and it's like tuning on the pumps and aerator in the fish tank. Now there are currents and turbulence and when the fish get too close to the aerator, they get kicked.



2 carrot salad, 10.41 liter bucket, electric doorbell, 17 inch fan, 12X14, 85 Dbm
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It's NOT ASN's fault there is turbulence around your aircraft. If the turbulence is there in the real world, it's going to be there with ASN enabled.



Ok, not blaming it.

I tempered with the sensitivity settings of Dash-8 yesterday evening, and tried circling EBBR with ASN-on. Much better results! But to tell for sure I have to do the whole flight again. That's ok, I need more flying time with this aircraft.

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The question is then, do you know more about the technical specifications and capabilities of the Dash 8 than the original modeler of this distribution, OR are you not REALLY learning "this aircraft" but an airplane of your own design based on fiction?



2 carrot salad, 10.41 liter bucket, electric doorbell, 17 inch fan, 12X14, 85 Dbm
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This issue is beyond tutorial documents and youtube videos.


Ok, I just finished a flight with ASN, EDDT-EDDL, no problems.

It was turbulent passing through clouds on descend and I thought the flight will end up in a mess again. At 3000 ft I disabled the AP and nothing horrible happened, I landed normally.

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  • 1 year later...
"...The movement was almost glitch-like when I got thrown and any flight stick inputs barely affected it. it lasted for about 3 seconds every time it happened. When it did happen and it threw me to the left, it looked as if the bank of the aircraft kept being reset multiple times, like it would be turned to a bank of around 30..."


This is the effect ASN generates when you fly through the wake of an aircraft in front of you.




I had the same experience yesterday on real weather ASN in an A2A Cub, out of KMMU around 1800Z. No other traffic in front of me so that cancels out wake turbulence. I shut down ASN and instantly had control back. After a couple of minutes into the flight I started ASN again. After syncing the weather the reduced controlability of the aircraft started again. Not very violent, but as if someone else was gently controlling my plane in the wrong direction (left and down) without my controls able to correct it. And the Cub is a VERY correctable little aircraft.


I did this several times from my flight from Morristown to Reading and every time the behaviour stopped when I shut down ASN.

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