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I've always enjoyed the unusual in simming, & have a good collection of cars, motorbikes, a train & boats in my sim

I've also found a bicycle, with tent that is great for touring & looking at scenery, & it even flies!


It's done by Neil Birch, who has released some amazing British scenery.


Do a library search for 'Neil Birch', and you will find it on page 13:


A Week In The Lakes For FS2002 And FS2004

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Name: ld.zip

Size: 73,274,575 Date: 11-13-2004 Downloads: 1,685



A Week In The Lakes For FS2002 And FS2004, 1 of 3. A tour of the English Lake District with a difference! For anyone wanting to discover more about the English Lakes this is the tour for you. Seven days of exciting adventures; land on England's highest mountain and spend quiet nights at secluded tarns high in the hills. By Neil Birch.


Thanks to all the developers that make our sim Factual, Fictional & Fun for us.


Cape Town, South Africa

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