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To re-install or not ?

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Hi all, I recently purchased a new i7 computer running Windows 10 but I have read various threads that indicate W10 causes download problems, of which I've encountered a couple. I'm considering re-installing FSX to an external HDD. My questions are this:


1. Do I have to fully un-install FSX from the internal drive before re-installing to the external HDD

2. Can they operate independently if temporarily left installed to both

3. If re-installing solely to the HDD would there be/or how to prevent register problems from the original installation

4. What would be the best way to go about this.


Please could you keep your replies as simple as possible bearing in mind I'm an old dog who is no good at learning new (Computer) tricks


Many thanks for any help or advice

Regards Steve (Phast Phlyer)

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Steve, there are really no issues with running FSX on a Win 10 system, provided you take control of Windows 10. This topic has been trashed out a couple of times in these threads.


But to answer your specific questions:


1. Yes

2. No

3. There might be, use a registry cleaner before reinstalling

4. See 1. If you meant best way to go about registry cleaning, then use Ccleaner (free version is OK), or Eusing's Registry Cleaner (again, the free version is OK).


Now, bear in mind that an external HDD will be s-l-o-w... if you can find a way to add a SSD inside the computer you might be better off....



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my experiences with Flight Sim suggest:


As much as I dislike Windows 10 perhaps you should be discussing those issues FIRST. I don't run my W10 Steam edition FSX much but I've not encountered any FSX problems yet - but my Steam install is NOT in ProgramFiles so neither is FSX. FSX can be moved; Steam can be moved. Issues might be resolved without a reinstall so approach with patience. If you finally decide you need to move FSX...


Q1 Uninstalling

Uninstalling could give you the best/cleanest file structure but if you like what you have, it is possible to simply MOVE to the new location and adjust the registry to reflect the new location. There are tools to do this for you - I've done this several times over the last decade. This does not necessarily mean add-ons can be moved the same way. They may have to be removed and reinstalled. It is something to consider if you have such add-ons.


Q2. Multiple copies mean nothing; you have only one INSTALL location, and that's what matters. If there are multiple users on the machine, each user can have unique features in their fsx.cfg but all share the same base game and the same scenery. I once accidently ran a backup copy and it was a while before I noticed a "missing" aircraft or something...


Q3. External (not the C:\ drive) HDD install location is a non-problem. I've never installed FSX to program files. My Windows 10 Steam Edition is on a single SSD with the OS. My Windows 7 install is on a different ( G:\) drive with my other games and applications. I have scenery installed on 2-3 different drives. There are no issues with either of these install methods.


Q4. The best way to go about this

A. Take your time. Allow time to think of questions

B. Make a check list of all the steps needed.

C. Back up or clone your OS drive - this lets you go back to what you had before...

D. enlist the help of a friend or tech-savy acquaintance


Us 'olders' can't always control the effects of aging but staying active and involved in life helps helps keep us functional.


Best wishes.


Hooked since FS4... now flying:

self-built i7-4790 at 4 GHz; GA-Z97X mobo; GTX 970; 16GB gskill;

quiet, fast and cool running.

Win 7/64: 840 EVO OS; 840 EVO (500G) game drive;

Win10/64: 850 EVO (500G) for OS and games

A few Flightsim videos on YouTube at CanyonCorners

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Loyd raises an extremely important point, which I forgot all about:


Never, ever, install FSX to the default location, where the installer wants to put it at C:\Program Files(x86), but to something like C:\FSX, or, much preferred, to a different physical drive.


This is especially important under Windows 10, where it seems that the UAC devil is much more aggressive than in earlier versions of Windows.


Thanks for refreshing my ailing memory, Loyd -



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Uninstall fsx using Add/Remove programs in Windows Control Panel.


If you have Fsx Acceleration uninstall is two steps.

1-uninstall FSX-Acceleration (and reboot)

2-Uninstall again fromA Add/Remove programs, this time you'll see FSX-Deluxe listed there. (and reboot again.)


After doing those two steps no registry cleaning is needed.

(If you do run into an issue, there is kb928080 that cleans the FSX registry entries.


Do not use CCleaner. Not needed.

And definitely do not use Eusing registry cleaner. That removes way too much and leaves you with a damaged system.)


Install on your SSD.



Most of all, ou probably do not need to uninstall at all.

There's a whole lot of nonsense around. Lot's of people saying "Win10 is crap" and those people really don't know what they are talking about.


Maybe first tell us how you installed. (Downloading simply means getting a file off internet. Running an installer to install a program is called Installing.)

Probably no need to reinstall at all.

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Thanks all for your prompt and invaluable replies. I think Lloyd is probably right as I made the error in installing FSX to the default location. Much food for thought. As I've not downloaded to many addons I think I'll uninstall and start over.

Again many thanks for your help and advice.

Regards Steve

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One final thought about the reinstall: if you are using the disk version (which I assume you are since you didn't mention Steam) you will need to watch for the little checkbox on one of the starting windows of the installer: it'll probably say something like "advanced install"; If you do not check this box you will NOT have the option to install to a location of your choice. Good luck on the rebuild.



Hooked since FS4... now flying:

self-built i7-4790 at 4 GHz; GA-Z97X mobo; GTX 970; 16GB gskill;

quiet, fast and cool running.

Win 7/64: 840 EVO OS; 840 EVO (500G) game drive;

Win10/64: 850 EVO (500G) for OS and games

A few Flightsim videos on YouTube at CanyonCorners

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Sorry to contradict all other replies.

When I bought my SSD, I got depresssed by the eventuality of having to reinstall some/all my addons.


Moved the whole bunch to the SSD, then made a symbolic link to the original location on my D: drive.

Had to reinstall nada, everything works...



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If you uninstall FSX properly. In two steps from Add/Remove programs. It removes the fsx registry entries as well.

So no reg cleaners are needed.

You could run CCleaner afterwards, but it is not needed.

(And CCleaner can cause issues too, so before cleaning the registry with it when CCleaner asks to back up the registry first, click YES.)


I ran Eusings cleaner once and that resulted in an un-bootable system.


Deleting files should not be called 'uninstalling' Uninstalling is done using Add/Remove Programs in Windows, or by using the programs own uninstaller.

If you "uninstal" fsx incorrectly by only deleting the files the registry entry will still be there.

Running CCleaner will not remove it. CCleaner only removes things that Windows thinks don't need to be there. And if you only delete the files, WIndows will still want that registry entry in place, and won't let CCleaner remove it. (Or any other registry cleaner.)


The only thing in that case that will remove the registry entry for fsx is then kb928080.

KB928080 is a file issued by Microsoft to do exactly that, remove all fsx registry entries.

Microsoft no longer has that kb928080 on it's servers, but it is still offered on FlyAwaySimulation.com. You can find the file when searching for resetsldl.exe (Easiest to do using Google).

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