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Project Airbus A319 VC disappearing


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Yesterday, I downloaded the Project Airbus A319 (this file, to be exact: https://simviation.com/1/download-file?file=a319_aa_pack.zip&fileId=55867) and decided to fly a short IFR flight with it today. When the tug turned my aircraft, the VC just disappeared. Everything was fine until that... If I look right or left, the VC appears again.


I looked up on google and found this thread (https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?313777-Project-Airbus-A320-VC-Erratically-Disappearing) about the same issue, but with the Project Airbus A320. I made the correction in the aircraft.cfg file but the VC is still disappearing, when I'm turning with the plane.


Any ideas how to fix it?


Thank you,



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